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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. What does? Aomaster, in order to accept input from a form and do anything with it you will need to write your pages either in a client-side (browser interpreted) scripting language like JavaScript, or a server-side language like PHP, ASP or even Perl (yuk!). The easiest way to do it is with multiple choice questions. Validating even short text responses can be tricky.
  2. Or secret option number 2, which is 'you don't watch the Simpsons enough'.
  3. It's good! (HURRAH!) The whole film is about 3 1/2 hours but it really doesn't seem that long because the action is so well-paced.
  4. Nawww, he's doing his exams. Blissfully unaware that there is a stalker lying in wait for him on his return.
  5. Sayonara

    EA Canada

    Wouldn't using a slash escape the reserved character zero, allowing it to appear in the string?
  6. I really ought to have read the first post more carefully. Heh.
  7. ...officially owns. The battle of Minas Tirith is more than an hour long! And Shelob ruled.
  8. Even if I said I hated Blair in my post, which I did not, I would hardly say that my views are representative of those of the average UK citizen.
  9. I don't think this is a fafalone bash thread... Apollo seems to really, really like faf.
  10. A catastrophic loss of technology is pretty much inevitable at some point in the near future, but I really wouldn't worry about it too much
  11. Sayonara


    What was PPS made from? (ps - info on plasticisers: http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=cling+film+leach )
  12. Sayonara


    This is probably an urban myth that comes from the reported threat of plasticisers leaching out of cling-film and into food over a period of several days.
  13. Just the fact that sausage is involved ought to make every leap for the phone and order a crate of 'em. I have a load in the oven right now, to chow down on before ROTK.
  14. I'm going to accept (/assume?) you weren't talking about LuTze, that way I can get on with not giving a toss what happens in IRC discussions that I'm not a part of.
  15. LOOKS LIKE WE GOT US A TROUBLE-MAKER SARGE! /me beats YT with a bag of frozen balls Not that I'm trying to intimidate the voters of course
  16. mIRC should be logging for you. "The missus told me you were a dick even though she has never spoken to you, and you weren't there anyway, and LuTze was off watching a film by then, and I was AFK" does not really seem to fit as a solution to "if I handn`t been told you were a D!(|< in the IRC room". /me takes hot poker out of the fire Either you're covering for someone else, or it's true and you were dangling carrots in front of me. TALK DAMN YOU.
  17. Granted you didn't specify it was him, but like I said - it's not rocket science. Dug out those logs yet?
  18. The next evolutionary step in sausage-related food products, or a cynically marketed travesty? YOU DECIDE! (Yes, you may also consider Walls Bigger Balls and Walls Cheesy Balls in the poll).
  19. Are these the real chilli peppers, or the euphemism chilli peppers?
  20. He said he called you a dick. You say he called me a dick. It's not rocket science (although if it were you'd probably have a more convincing argument than him, because it would have tesla coils and exploding parts).
  21. I'm not interested in what was said, I'm interested in the fact that you're telling me my friend is lying.
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