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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. BTW, in case anyone cares (which I doubt)...: LuTze was in IRC with YT. I shouted across to LuTze to tell YT that he's a dick. He said he had done so. I was about to enter IRC and "lol" myself silly when I realised I hadn't installed mIRC since I wiped Win2K and installed XP. I gave up and went to grab a shower. So one of them is a DIRTY NO GOOD LIE BABY. This can only be solved by server records or (preferably) a knife-fight in some sand.
  2. Yes. I was mocking people who say "kthxbye". I WIN. kthxbye
  3. There... I think it looked like that before the meddling...
  4. I was in the same room as him at the time. If you're going to claim things were said on IRC be prepared to back it up with a log, because one of you is lying to me. [edit] The reason I hate and avoid IRC is because of crap like this, with people thinking that discussion there makes them special in some way, and it still manages to reach out and affect me. K THNX BYE
  5. So not quite secret then... Are you going to explain your "dick" comment?
  6. That's exactly what I said before. You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. The majority of technology is not there to help us to survive, but to help speed up tedious jobs. Whether or not it always works is not relevant to the issue of whether or not we are slaves to it, because with or without technology we are slaves to something.
  7. I think you are confusing stupidity and ignorance.
  8. I saw Steve was on today's "who has been online" list, so I'm guessing he hasn't been eaten by giant squid yet.
  9. Do you have any data that suggests society will benefit from that, or a model of the effects it will have, or is it just completely random? Did you just wake up this morning and think "I'm gonna screw about with humanity, it'll be FUNNY"
  10. Yes, society is dependent on machines. But if they suddenly stopped working one day we would not be destroyed. Just as society adapts - as you say - to integrate new technology into our lives, it would adapt to cope with none of it. Millions would die in the process, yes, but a high mortality rate is not the same as "not surviving". The only reason there are millions of extra people is because of that technology, so the assumption that a loss of population following the catastrophic failure of said technology is a flawed one. Bigger populations don't necessarily equal better societies, just as greater technological presence or diversity doesn't make us a more 'survivable' species. What I'm saying is that yes - a lot of people would die if our technology suddenly failed, but so what? It would be pretty crappy for that generation, sure, but the species would go on (and we would be all the better for it imo). The very bottom line is that humans are part of myriad systems, and as long as you adopt the point of view that we cannot be separated from every system, you can call humans slaves. Slaves to the land. Slaves to the plough. Slaves to oxygen. Big deal. Why villify a specific thing like technology? It's just a thing. We made it, we learned how to exploit it - we can unmake it and unlearn it just as easily.
  11. Tony Blair lied outright to the UK to justify invading Iraq. Are you sure you want him? (If you do, you can have him).
  12. Pluto and Neptune cross paths all the time - they have overlapping orbits. [edit] Well, I say "all the time", but their orbits are a lot wider than ours. You know what I mean
  13. Certainly the body can dictate appetities to a degree, depending on what it needs, but I doubt very much there is a genetic basis for the individual's palate. That would exert no significant selective pressure I can think of. A predeliction to certain groups such as sugars might be advantageous, as huahe claimed, but I'd be quite dubious of that until I saw the results of some studies in that area.
  14. Sayonara


    Because we aren't really plummetting into the sun, and it was a test? Just a wild guess.
  15. He's one of these TV people who walks into Walmart type stores with a camera crew and bullet-wound victims and asks them how they can sell ammo knowing it does THIS!!!!!!!! (reveal horrifying scars on 12 yr old boy). That sort of thing.
  16. It looks amazing. The whole physics and light engines have been completely rebuilt.
  17. Who the fudd is this Dave character anyway?
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