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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. All true, but he is still unlikely to say "good job". It wasn't a good job, and it's still not over. That one 'bonus result' was good, but not the 'job' itself.
  2. What are you talking about? Are you actually saying that countries only have WOMD if America hands them out? I guess you must also just be leaving out the fact that the USA's napalming and carpet bombing of Vietnam was internationally condemned. And I would hardly call the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with nuclear weapons acts that "the whole world classified as justified". In case you hadn't noticed the debate still rages on that one.
  3. How much is he paying you? (Are we talking about the admin or the rock, btw?)
  4. I think he might be criticising the way it's been done, rather than the fact that it was done in the first place.
  5. If the US launched at the UK, we'd have plenty of time to turn off all their early warning systems and make sure that the WHOLE WORLD knew about it
  6. Because they're SPESHUL. Just like France, the UK, Russia...
  7. Yes, that makes sense. It's that "net" in the question that gives it away
  8. Looking at the way things are going right now, that will probably happen. In fact I would not be at all surprised if he winds up being stoned to death.
  9. Fafalone is 100% green today. Fancy that.
  10. I think the prospects of being smashed on the wing or tail, or pulled through a jet engine, are slightly more off-putting than having to scrabble a bit for a parachute.
  11. Looking at today's mad poll result I suspect someone may have voted more than once. * suspicious *
  12. It's about an ancient monolith discovered on the moon, and a mission to Jupiter to determine its origin - a mission that is put in jeopardy by the ship's computer.
  13. /LuTze fondles Fafalone... roughly LOL
  14. Go on, post rubbish. It's easy. "I want a pony!" See?
  15. Stop ruining my illusions, Hippy.
  16. And? That makes extinction events more likely to happen, time and time again.
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