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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Faf wants me banned, because his post count will be canned, it's not like it was planned, I have over-active glands break it down bppfff ba-chhh ba-bum-bum chhhh
  2. Possibly... it would be difficult to carry out life processes at that temperature though :-s
  3. Postin' wid ma homies Gonna buy 'em ponies Ride round da hood and wicky waa waa waa waa waa phonies Word.
  4. You said biatch You're getting right into the swing of things wickedy-waaa
  5. I quite like Cube. Cube²: Hypercube was fun but not as good, and they revealed way too much about the structure itself.
  6. Show us your moves YT wickedy-wackedy-weeee vvvvwp vwwwp shaaaaa! /me does the robot
  7. Wickedy-wickedy-waaa-waaa postin'
  8. This thread is for freestyle posting. When we have enough people we can get a ghetto blaster and have a post-off.
  9. Almost there with the locks thing! http://www.iwantoneofthose.com/ProductDetails.aspx?language=en-GB&product=FINLOC Could be a bit smaller though And it will never be as useful as a FinLonger.
  10. You can only attach files when you start a new thread or a new reply, but like I said - you can't upload a .doc to the forum.
  11. "(1) Lenz's Law works. (2) Our product uses Lenz's Law. (3) [some processes] (4) Our product works." Guess which bit I'm interested in?
  12. Threads is a very good film. It's a bit distressing though in some places. Except the bit where Sheffield gets nuked, we all cheered at that bit.
  13. Are you using the "attach file" option on these forums, or are you trying to upload it somewhere else with FTP?
  14. .doc cannot be uploaded as the format is prone to being exploited by VB scripts and viruses. If possible use .txt instead.
  15. Matrix is ok; R&R are the abominations. It's hardly the best film ever though, as some uncultured and less well-informed individuals believe
  16. Maybe after 2 years all the fleas have been magnetised and stick to the cat.
  17. No, they were unmanned probes
  18. No, that's Europa - a moon of Jupiter. Titan is thought to have liquid methane or ethane on the surface. It's possible that it once harboured chemotrophic life. Right now however the temperature is about -180°C, and any water will be frozen. Titan does not have the immense geo-gravitational stress that we theorise might maintain a liquid sub-surface ocean on Europa.
  19. Apollo is right, this is not just a new GUI. MyIE2 shares a lot of IE's features (including the default Windows cookies folder, which is a bit weird) but it is a structurally different browser. And I know. That's why I said Shouldn't it be "Firebird is Mozilla"? Because it is. Clever isn't it?
  20. faf has an explosive car. Mwa ha haaa. Mwah ha ha ha haaaah. MUUUA-AAAH HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAH! * rubs hands together *
  21. The only thing worse than Matrix R&R is that article. GATTACA is lots of fun.
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