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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. If 0c was the least amount of heat energy you could possibly have, then yes - "twice as cold as 1c" would be 0.5c. But it isn't. 0K is the least amount of heat energy you can measure, so whether you work it out in c, F or K you need to use 0K as your zero reading. Simplest possible analogy - it's like using the "tare" button on an electronic balance.
  2. You'd still use Kelvin as your scalar, because it's the only scale out of the three that uses "no heat energy" as the zero value.
  3. The assumption is that "if it is twice as cold tomorrow" is a euphemism meaning "if there is half the heat energy tomorrow". Like I've said from the start, this isn't the only interpretation. But it's the only one that allows a meaningful answer.
  4. Yeah, I was mocking "cherry" flavoured soft drinks
  5. "Mmmmm, ester-flavour".
  6. Shame on you. Personally I have been cleaning my tongue for as long as I can remember brushing my own teeth. PS - Brian Grieveson, the man you are quoting, is a dentist in central Liverpool, so his opinion on the nation's teeth is likely to be somewhat distorted.
  7. Oh jesus f corbett. Actually, using kilos and pounds as examples of a relative scale is not a great way to go, since they share a common zero value which is the same for each in a very real sense. One could argue that they are absolute if negative mass and mass deficit did not exist. However, c and F are very much relative. One cannot have a system with an energy deficit below 0k. Only scales that share 0k as their base zero value are absolute, and you cannot convert between scales that do not share a base zero and still get a meaningful result. ps - "relative scale" does not mean that a meter is sometimes less or more than a meter. It means it is a relational measurement that is not derived from first principles.
  8. science of mind is what brings that which cannot be named, because structure hinders the studier from comprehending the mind in it's true state, as opposed to a bag of satsumas.
  9. "I can't argue against that so I will just ignore it" is getting old too. The UN can't impose sanctions on the USA, because the USA are on the security council. This means they can veto anything. [edit] Looking for information on the UN (re: America's breach) at the moment, to see if any badness actually has happened other than sanctions. Although it is horribly biased and not at all relevant I did find this quite funny: http://www.buzzflash.com/theangryliberal/03/07/07.html
  10. Giant squid have immense eyes - the size of large dinner plates. Not sure where that fits in, but someone might find it useful
  11. What you're missing is that celsius and Farenheit are relative scales. So are pounds and kilos. Kelvin is an absolute scale.
  12. Sayonara


    I understand that. My question was intended to ask how you prevent stresses on the plant due to constant transpiration when there is frequently no water supply to the roots. Is it just a matter of timing?
  13. Sayonara


    If the roots are not immersed in a liquid medium, how do you get around the problem of transpiration-led flow in the xylem?
  14. You all pay for your dentistry. Most of us don't. Considering the majority of the population gets their dental care as a tax-fuelled public service, and the gov makes it as difficult as possible to use, it's amazing so many British people actually do have good teeth. (I am not certain where this stereotype came from with the teeth but it is getting less and less relevant these days).
  15. It's more of an invasion than a war to be honest. It was not legal in the eyes of the UN, and whether or not you respect the UN or think they are worthwhile the simple fact is that as a member nation the USA is bound by their rules. Not to mention its own laws. Cue standard "we were defending ourselves" response...
  16. Fantastic response! I'm amazed you took the time VM
  17. Sayonara


    That's not what he's asking.
  18. It doesn't answer any question that (a) can be derived from the teaser and (b) makes sense.
  19. But just saying "zero" doesn't answer anything.
  20. Sayonara


    I would have thought the idea is to keep the osmotic pressure "balanced". Can't say I've ever looked into it though.
  21. See, my point here is that - based on the scant information in the teaser - randomly deciding to apply pure maths and trying to divide zero by 2 is not answering the question. Or at least, not answering any interpretation of the teaser that makes sense. You've provided "an answer", sure, but not one that's any help. It's a bit like me asking someone at a bus stop how frequently the buses run, and instead of them working it out based on whatever evidence is at hand they multiply the current time by 10 and claim that's the answer. Or like atinymonkey standing just over there --> shouting "the answer is green!" because that's the colour of the bus. Like MrL says, there is no mathematical answer because "cold" is not a mathematical function.
  22. See, if you'd bothered to put all that in your original post it would have been a much more impressive argument
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