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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. What do you mean by equivalent? Do you mean total light let through?
  2. It is probably that the default theme has been Xmas-ised, but you are not using the default theme when logged in.
  3. Right, this thread goes back on topic now. Lance's primary concern from the OP is: We do not move threads just because we have gone off on our own tangent.
  4. I tend to agree. A part of the insect itself, or some sort of non-motile parasite.
  5. Sayonara

    I'm Back!

    Welcome back Mokele, and congratulations on the wedding and the publication (in that order). I think I speak for all the long time members when I put on my best Agent Smith voice and say "we misssssed you".
  6. Just before your hurricane question you seemed to query why the towns should be moved when they could be more robustly defended. A possible explanation is that the cost of adequate defences could exceed the cost of occasional rebuilding, making it simply not viable as an alternative. I wonder how we would go about getting figures on that.
  7. Then of course there are the "normal" drops of liquid running off his fingers when he pulls the balls out of the tub.
  8. That's a shame, because it looks like Science_nerd joined us exclusively to stealth-spam links to that site
  9. They're coming to get you Barbara! http://www.pbase.com/badpigg/image/12311446 http://www.myconciergevancouver.com/ http://images.usefulzero.com/s/hand-fingers/ Seems like these hands have not been idle; they're everywhere. Also it appears that someone has already closed the gap in the glove market:
  10. Surely those are separate issues. Whether or not anyone has that right will not change the consequences of population growth (although those consequences might well inform someone's decision to assume that right.)
  11. "Harmful = unnatural" and "unnatural = harmful" are both complete fallacies. I thought my last post conveyed that adequately
  12. "Natural" means something which occurs in nature, i.e. as a matter of course, so yes - those things are "natural". But nobody is making the claim that everything natural must be good or desirable. Always keep in mind that human value judgements don't translate to animal acts. Rather than simply saying "gayness is natural so it must be a good thing"; they are showing that homosexuality occurs in nature without the influence of human social structures. The reason for doing this is that it contradicts the vile claim that discrimination against homosexuals can be tolerated because they are "unnatural", or that they are just being 'difficult' and choosing to be gay.
  13. Pioneer, your understanding of genetics and evolutionary processes must be lamentable for you to come up with the above post and believe it to be realistic. Please stop posting on such matters with any kind of air of authority or insight, because it is in no way deserved.
  14. Ignorance causes facial deformity. FACT. And what Pangloss said.
  15. You already know this, but I'm going to point it out anyway. The above is not a very good counter-argument.
  16. Based on your performance in the thread about Proposition 8, I for one don't expect anything you say to be accurate, objective, or rationally founded. I would strongly advise against continuing your rant against homosexuality if your motive is purely a personal vendetta. I have no problem at all with outright banning people who won't be told on the difference between stating an opinion and making a hate speech.
  17. Most of the forensic and surveillance tech you see on CSI is exaggerated to ridiculous extents. It's certainly possible that you could put a satellite in orbit with the technology to take recognisable images of faces. However the chances of such a satellite passing overhead on a clear day and taking photos of a kidnap which just happens to be ongoing within the insanely narrow viewing window are ridiculously small.
  18. Being unwritten is not the same as being indeterminate.
  19. When one talks about a body "failing", the implication is that they couldn't or wouldn't do enough to meet the expectations vested in them. Proposing that their powers be curtailed doesn't seem like the appropriate solution in that case. Did you mean to say that unions have made a hash of things by exceeding their remit?
  20. Not really. If material/energy ejected at light speed from the sun's explosion is halfway to Earth, then it will arrive in another four minutes. But it's already taken four minutes to get to where it is, so the "heads up" time doesn't change.
  21. Because there are no brothels.
  22. The real answer is "yes", so ten replies are not necessary. UFO = Unidentified flying object.
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