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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Afaik the open universe theory predominates at the moment, in fact the approx time until "heat death" is pretty much known.
  2. Osama bin Laden - well known for having a major axe to grind over US foreign policy - says some unsurprisingly anti-American things, therefore the USA has carte blanche to label whomever they wish as terrorists and steamroll their country? That's a bit like me calling Bush an ignorant fuckwit, and the US forces laying waste to Belgium as a result. OBVIOUSLY A WINNING ARGUMENT.
  3. Good luck being heterosexual in an all-male environment. No really, I hope you enjoy yourSELF.
  4. I wish the Futurama team would do a "The Scary Door" miniseries
  5. Had you read the thread properly you would have realised that the disdain for the Wachowski brothers arises from them claiming to be producing revolutionary effects and thematics, when they aren't doing any such thing. Matrix was fine the way it was. M:R&R are a pile of cheap mince on a plate, presented as best venison. They have nothing going for them; they are not good films. Special effects do certainly not save a bad film - ever. There's no imagination enema satisfying enough to make plot and originality redundant. As for the Reloaded fight - I say "bollocks". Peter Jackson had a smaller budget, yet his opening "Final Alliance" scene in Fellowship - filmed almost 2 years before Reloaded - involved tens of thousands of animated characters and every damned one of them looked photorealistic, whereas the Smiths did not. Someone needs to help the W Bros understand that grey palettes do not provide the ideal blocking colour for CGI. You'd think they'd know that, what with being "directors". You say "thats just ignorance", but I'd ask "how?". I'd also put it to you that the sort of person who thinks M:R&R are original and all new and daring are the sort of people who have seen barely any films in relative terms, and don't read very much - and therefore have no way of gauging just how derivative and unoriginal the latter half of the risably promoted "trilogy" really is.
  6. I took the liberty of adding "leagues" because they are... well... funny. But I voted parsec. Go Parsecs! "Hey, how far is it to Manchester?" "0.00000000000012 parsecs Squire".
  7. YAY Everything's broken again. I blame YT.
  8. Plasmas are under discussion in General Science right at the moment: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2224 Considering the whole "glass" discussion I can see the jelly debate going on for a while...
  9. I mean, I quite like parsecs but it's not the unit I use most often
  10. Manchura the Lord of All Monkeys
  11. Sayonara


    Let's assume the toast has the same mass as the cat.
  12. It's not something I'd really thought about to be honest. How do I decide which is my favourite?
  14. I'd like to see data if this guy has any! That would be quite interesting. http://www.zetatalk.com/ Check it out, but be warned: it will scar you.
  15. Don't take it personally, I'm sure it's not aimed specifically at you. I imagine the lightning thing just reminded Blike to post something like this PS - zetatalk spawns all the weirdoes.
  16. Basically Occam's Razor is a principle used as a sort of guiding force. It roughly states that one should avoided needlessly multiplying the entities required to explain an effect. It has numerous consequences and implications; for instance it suggests that if you have to make up something new that is not a part of current theory in order to explain your observations (IE - a fifth dimension devoted to lightning), then you are probably on the wrong tracks.
  18. Occam's razor alone suggests it's not true, and that's before we get on to things like "lightning isn't made of light". It's extremely unlikely
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