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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Money spiders are great little beasties.
  2. Well, I don't mean social in the "behavioural interactions" sense, but rather in the "not copulating and then feasting on each others' gooey entrails" sense.
  3. I'm imagining what you could do with such varied resources and it scares me more than any US weapons project.
  4. The thing I found most strange was that the pair patrolled the same route together. I didn't think spiders were ever so social, much less co-operative.
  5. Nicely put (But just to be really pedantic: "and that living beings with DNA belong to species which will evolve")
  6. It's an urban legend. URL: http://www.snopes.com/science/stats/spiders.htm (1 pop-up) I have seen spiders do some odd things. For instance there is a species in the UK which lives in mating pairs. I have observed such a pair emerging from their hiding place and patrolling the perimeter of a room at the same time each evening - in two separate properties.
  7. I've been coming up with these to amuse myself during lulls in work. Feel free to add your own! Nobody likes babies anyway : Nestlé Crap never tasted this good : MacDonald's Say "no" to The Shakes : Coke Buy now, pay later : After Shock Nobody likes a fatty : Slimfast Without us you are nothing : Ted Baker Everyone needs parasites : Fray Bentos Real men smell like mustard gas but at least they aren't homos : Lynx You have to pay us whether you watch our programmes or not, so no effort will be going into this advert. : BBC Television It probably won't explode : Chrysler We only changed the logo : BP Conform or be ridiculed : Top Man You have the diseases, we have the cures : Boots If only the water cycle was more alkaline : Domestos Are you a dirty, tight-fisted peasant? : Bold Like fruit juice, only not : Sunny Delight Cleavage makes you a better person : Wonder-Bra
  8. I've just started buying Voyager cassettes on eBay - you can pick them up for about £1.00 It's turning out to be a very cost-effective way of filling in the gaps in my collection.
  9. You can make all sorts of evil weapons in a McDonald's kitchen.
  10. Theory 1: The world is a fake, designed to hide the ultimate truth from you and those around you. Theory 2: You are just average. /me weighs up the evidence...
  11. It's because heaven doesn't want hypocrites. Mwaaa
  12. When my dad inherited my great Aunt's house a good while back, we used to have loads of those things that came up from the foundations between cracks in the floor-boards. They were huge things - I seem to remember someone using the common name "sand spiders" - might be a place to start looking...?
  13. PS - nuking Earth to bits is likely to make more glass than it destroys, surely...?
  14. I volunteer to throw Wolfson through a plate glass window to test his claim that glass is a liquid by virtue of its properties. But I need someone to get the ankle end.
  15. 300 leprosy cases in the USA, or worldwide?
  16. You don't pay for MEGACHAIRs, they just appear.
  17. The new MEGACHAIR 3000, lovingly crafted by God.
  18. Wow... this is a bit like a thread from the nineties.
  19. Have a look at the Auto Defender cartoons on http://www.StickDeath.com - they might inspire you.
  20. Afaik bananas aren't fully ripe until they are brown-black.
  21. I'd like to petition that you change "recorded" to "observable", then I'll agree
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