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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Write your own 404 page to log the referer, page requested, time etc. It's very handy.
  2. Vulcans have green blood and Klingons have pink blood. Except on Voyager, where everyone has red blood because they're all human at heart. Just thought I'd mention it.
  3. Deoxygenated blood in your veins is more blue than the highly-oxygenated blood in your arteries.
  4. http://www.google.co.uk/search?num=100&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=download+mspaint.exe&spell=1 http://www.google.co.uk/search?num=100&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=download+wordpad.exe&btnG=Google+Search&meta= Try googling for info on miscellaneous software before you install it next time
  5. Where are the "no change" and "don't care" options?
  6. SFN is privately funded by Blike. ScienceNet did have funding, but it was taken away. What does that tell you? You mean like I did in my first post in this thread, when you told me I was wrong?
  7. I suggest you do NOT try to get free, easy "help" from the intermaweb and instead speak to a trained professional who is qualified to help you with this problem. Such a person will also be legally, morally and emotionally accountable for the advice they give. Why in god's name would you want to take the advice of an anonymous bunch of geeks, teenagers and social misfits with an important issue like this? (No offence guys, just putting the point across ).
  8. Sites that introduce themselves to me with loud, functionless music and no controls get closed within about 1.03 seconds.
  9. Yeah, considering the temperatures at which glass is usually worked I'm thinking that normal room temperature is waaaaay below this "glass temperature", so far below in fact that the material is most certainly considered a solid. The arguments against this are an abuse of both logic and English.
  10. YT's link: General, unfunded scientific opinion from these people: http://www.sciencenet.org.uk/intro/scienceline/staff.html Swansont's link: The combined expertise of 9 experts in glass and transition materials. Hmmm... might have to flip a coin for this one
  11. I understand your question, but it's a lot more complex than you are making out. It will not simply be a matter of "whoever gets there first owns the planet", and war does not necessarily follow dispute. It is unlikely that any nation currently has - or will ever have - the financial capacity to colonise another planet. Any such undertaking will need to be a joint effort which brings its own implications for treaty, relations and economics. Nobody goes to war on a whim. Whether or not a government will declare war to defend an interest depends mainly on three things: 1) The policies of the party in power, 2) The mood of the population, 3) The cost-gain difference. The first two are almost impossible to predict further ahead than five years in most countries. The third one depends on the specifics of the interest in question, and really can't be just guessed.
  12. It's a little difficult to predict whether or not a nation will fight for control of something without knowing what they're fighting for.
  13. I'm going to pay Ben to sit on your face all weekend.
  14. What sort of resources are you expecting? The expense to pay-off ratio will have to be immense to make it worthwhile.
  15. Oh for the love of god. Is glass called an "amorphous liquid"? NO. It's called an "amorphous solid", so-called because it's a solid. Clever, isn't it? It is NOT a supercooled liquid - this is an urban myth as documented quite clearly here in the testimony of many highly-educated experts in the field of amorphous and vitrine materials. Read the damned link people. Here in ancient and backwards Europialand we do actually have glass that is several centuries old, and no it does not change its shape in any way over the years. Get over it, move on, find something interesting to discuss. PS - even the American Society for Testing and Materials disagrees with you:
  16. The town's sundial would be useless. Owls would deafen us with their incessant hooting.
  17. The basic idea is that sight is more important than skin, but I really can't see latex disposables being that expensive
  18. Mars: Not exactly resource rich.
  19. When I read that, I laughed so much that people in the office stared at me.
  20. XML is simply a descriptor language for moving and storing information. It has no potential for programming complex algorithms. I had a look at that link you posted but got a load of 404s. Do you know anywhere else I can take a peek?
  21. I have seen other auctions with EXACTLY the same body text, but different pics. That means THERE'S MORE THAN ONE!
  22. Still not seen it. You'll have to lend it to me again!
  23. Umm... I meant in the respect that YT inferred the USA had slavery and the UK did not.
  24. I think the discussion as to the origins of the US belong to a different thread (which hopefully someone will start, because I'm very interested to hear about all that genocide the evil British commited while the US was being formed, and also why the slave triangle every schoolchild is taught about is lies).
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