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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Aight! Original trilogy on DVD - w00tage \o/ I can't really see how they will handle continuity if Portman gets to speak in IV-VI.
  2. On my afternoon break ("break", lol) I was informed that it is "at least as bad as Reloaded". Seeing as I know the plot already I don't intend to expose myself to the acting and dialogue as well
  3. When "Matrix" came out I was quietly convinced that it does not take much to please most people. It was a good film though. It was also self contained, and needed no further "story" added to it. When "Reloaded" came out, it became immediately and blatantly obvious that the Wachowski brothers cannot provide what I need from a movie. They also managed to completely stop me from caring about any of the characters. In fact I ended up hating half of them. Therefore I am boycotting "Revolutions". I don't even want to see it. Join me or die. (Actually, you don't have to join me at all, and if you don't it's unlikely you will die as a consequence. I just wondered how widespread this view is ) PS - I have to wonder why people who do like R&R keep trying to make me like them. It's not a religion you know. Read the ****ing thread, I've already basically said I'm immune to the tricks R&R use in order to exploit the young and impressionable mind.
  4. np If you do a search for his posts (you can do that from his profile) you will see why. He becomes more abusive and irrational as time goes on. I think most of his posts are still 'live'.
  5. Can I please draw your attention to Article 11-d in the Site Policy. Warez is a form of piracy and is illegal under US law. Can I also point out AGAIN that "Has No Intelligence" is no longer with us as he was banned.
  6. It's not really direct competition. I bet you could make a mark over there
  7. That puzzle relies on people assuming that silence cannot be a form of communication.
  8. I think he wants to know what it's generally about, not get an "idiot's guide" to the whole subject.
  9. The guy at the back and the guy in the middle will know their hat is black only if they see the white hat in front of them. If the guy at the back sees two black hats, he has the white hat. If the guy in the middle sees a black hat, and does not hear the guy at the back shout after a reasonable period of time, he has the white hat. If the guy at the front hears nothing for a while, he assumes he has the white hat and the others are waiting for him.
  10. There's no reason why a school would block most ports. Unis and employers on the other hand love culling port traffic.
  11. He could lift it over his head, put it down and pick it up again, chop it up into bits, or -- and I suspect this is the right answer -- carry it upright because the tunnel is more than 20ft high.
  12. Where did the last pig goooo?
  13. By whistling out of tune and hitting you with a stick?
  14. Use jars from sauces etc for storing foods, paper clips, coins etc instead of buying up (and sequestering) more plastics like tupperware and desk tidies.
  15. Non-rechargeable battery chargers have been available in the UK since the mid-90s, but your custom jobby is very interesting. I wondered how they did it. You can boost some failing batteries just by gently warming them on a radiator.
  16. It may be required (or recommended?) reading in the US but it's not exactly a run-of-the-mill book in UK schools. I picked up a copy just to see what you crazy kids were talking about. I sincerely doubt Salinger was intending to write a book for school kids. I've moved on to "Brave New World" now, in any case
  17. I'm running, I'm running, whoohoooo! I'm running! Wheehehehe! I'm naked!
  18. lol It's like a competition to see who can cheat the fastest. ALL HAIL KING FAFALONE. (Obviously banned people can't hail anyone, so just shake your fist at the monitor in a generally celebratory fashion)
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