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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. So that's what all the "SFN will be back [after I inflate the post count] soon" shenannigans were about. You KNOW you want to be able to say you banned me
  2. No I'm not, I'm ignoring it and asking a more interesting question. Is it a coffee mug?
  3. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/038078159X/002-6135287-4215225?v=glance
  4. What do you get if you claim responsibility for a large chemical explosion before it gets reported on the news?
  5. Frank Herbert vs Umberto Eco Ah ha ha haaa.
  6. atm and I can't use IRC from work.
  7. Didn't you already have a copy? An uber-assassin-to-be is you.
  8. I'm about to finish The Catcher in the Rye. I have Memoirs of a Geisha, Wuthering Heights, James Joyce's Ulysses, Brave New World, Baudalino, and Island of the Day Before in the queue, as well as a giant book about the meaning of maths as a language. Not sure which one to read next though
  9. What happens when the light is 'physically' separated from the observer by gravity or a mirror? Is there still an information exchange?
  10. Well Kebechet is traditionally part of the 'funeral cult', but I'll have to do a bit more specific research to find out if that had anything to do with pyramid culture.
  11. How does the light know that it's being watched, or when to arrive? (Sorry for the 20 Questions, but since I have a significant reading list at the moment this is a lot easier than getting hold of the book )
  12. The snake symbolises evil, power and healing (the healing aspect from Babylonian culture iirc), and also represents Kebechet - daughter of Anubis, and the goddess of purification through water.
  13. If the light comes to the observer, and the observer is life on Earth when the light leaves its 3bn LY distant source, what happens if life goes extinct 2.8 bn years after the light leaves the source?
  14. The Egyptian writing and recording system relies almost completely on context, so without knowing where this came from or what it was a part of it's not possible to accurately determine what it's meant to represent. It's interesting though that there are smaller figures who appear to be toiling at the feet of the larger ones. In fact there seem to be three 'types' of figure.
  15. On my way from home I will be buying a point light source, a shoebox, some scissors, 1m copper wire, 1 x buzzer, 2 x light sensor trip switches, 1 x PP9 battery. [edit] Where can I buy a photon individualising machine?
  16. MrL, will you PLEASE stop singing?
  17. You're saying that if there's no observer, there's no light? Or that there is light but it does not travel?
  18. You will be sent to a planet so mysterious, no one has even heard of it. And those who have heard of it dare not speak its name! (It's a bit late to swap now)
  19. How could we forget? You started all those fires.
  20. Weren't you banished to Foodcourtia? Shouldn't you be...frying something?
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