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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhI made it mahhhhyself!
  2. Hello friends! I am a perfectly normal human worm baby. You have nothing, absolutely nothing to fear from me. Just pay no attention to me and we’ll get along just fine
  3. Come minimoose, before we're noticed... ...some more.
  4. I think VendingMenace's point was that if you excavate sand in a desert so that you are working below the equilibrium level of the surrounding area, the sand will come back. The only way around this is if the original equilibrium level was high enough to contain the best part of a pyramid, but if this were so where has all the sand gone from the rest of the desert?
  5. That's a bit more sensible. Trust me to use I.E. where I should use E.G. (Although it is for a science fair, not a Nobel prize )
  6. Ahh right, I see what you mean. I thought you were describing some sort of "Wife Swap" scenario. Ummm... it's a little difficult to say. I can't very well know what I'd know if I didn't know what I know. Argh, my brain. Bedtime.
  7. With flint, bone and wood (and vines if you are able to find them) it is a fairly simple matter to make basic tools. With those, and the resources you listed, you can make ropes, shelters, timber, boats, kindling, rudimentary clothing and probably a lot more that I'm too tired to think about right now. A knowledge of basic physics principles would help (fulcrums, leverage etc), which is something we are far more likely to be conversant with than Joe Caveman. I'm off to bed now anyway so no moving me to Caveman Island while I'm asleep * eyes thread suspiciously *
  8. If you have a system of sand breaks made of wood, cloth etc holding back the sand, you would have to have a very shallow incline otherwise the force of the sand on the breakers would be phenomenal. You could probably do it though. The only problem then is of course that you can't slide stones down into the hole because they'll shave your barricades away on the way down. Tricky.
  9. Oh right, you meant brand as in "I'm just popping out to brand my cattle so Jethro and his gang don't rustle them". I see
  10. It's not Pandora's, it's mine. * slams door shut *
  11. The manipulating variable is the one that causes the effect, I.E. the temperature of the medium you place the ice in (air or water). The responding variable is the one that responds, I.E. the time it takes the ice to completely melt in that medium.
  12. Believe me, it's not just Southampton But not for much longer! URL: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/3237225.stm
  13. How do you keep the pyramid-sized hole in the sand completely free of sand? I mean, it's easy enough to dig, but not to confine.
  14. What he needs is a VB development environment of some sort. Except that he has been banned for some time now, so none of us care
  15. That's more like it, cheers. * rubs hands together *
  16. What was the 'other resource' someone posted? (Dudde, I reckon you can get away with "Nothing since no facilities")
  17. sup tag for superscript and sub tag for subscript
  18. What's the structure of that group on the lower left? Is that a 3 or a 3?
  19. Since when was it exclusively my job to force people to be mature? I pointed out the means available to physically ignore people who really annoy. If they are still at it I am just going to assume they are enjoying themselves. I think we can do without the "attention whore" type insults though. This is the general discussion forum, and comments like that don't exactly help matters. Especially when you don't know the person you're aiming them at.
  20. BS 7114 is not a brand, it is a mark given to fireworks that meet the British Standards for safety. URL: http://www.dti.gov.uk/ccp/topics1/guide/fireworkguide.pdf There are plenty of people in the UK who aren't even aware the standards system exists, hence why something that is well-known to people like myself and Greg is included in annual safety messages. Although I somehow think Chinese fireworks would be preferable to ones with a BS mark
  21. I found the Sayonara3 emoticon: More emots here Blike: http://www.kino-max.ru/
  22. Yes, they are a bit pricey. Anything's better than the brimstone tablets though.
  23. Lol, that wasn't a ruckus. Fafalone will back me up on that one :-D
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