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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Anyone linking directly to this thread, the discussion is continued here: URL: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=25481#post25481
  2. Well? (You can choose multiple options by the way )
  3. I found the patches to be just the thing. Apparently those inhalators are very good indeed if you can get over looking like a fruitcake. Sublingual tabs are EVIL, and lozenges are highly inconvenient.
  4. It's easier when you can see the IP address / hostname
  5. YT, I was talking about new members, not online status. Crazy ass mofo! The views of printable threads are mainly due to spiders and robots I'm afraid.
  6. You might consider the possibility that your examiner did not know sign language.
  7. Now you've pointed out that we're approaching that milestone, you might have some competition YT: I mean that the latest member to join the site is shown on the page at http://www.scienceforums.net/ but not on the page at http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/
  8. Goodo! I realised while you were off getting all that info that the reason I have noticed fewer new signups is because with the Orbitz style, new members are shown on the site front page and not on the forums index page. I check the latter more frequently than the former, so I wasn't using accurate data
  9. Not only did you lie, it suggests that you have mannnnny missing memories
  10. There's nothing unreasonable about it. It's a public service announcement, if you will. (I just like funny stats )
  11. I think I can imagine. In bio labs we had this tarded system whereby foreign students and the most personality-free third years would act as assistants for the lecturer. Their duties extended as far as marking the work for a table of students, so our marks for actual credit on a degree course had to go through a completely subjective appraisal process that was essentially a big blender, operated by people who had no interest in our progress and were not answerable to the examinations council for any of their 'marking'.
  12. My assumption thereafter was that prettiness was being rewarded rather than an honest description of the specimen.
  13. Yes, spamming is a risk but then everything we do brings that same risk. People who don't post aren't really a big problem, are they? It's just that I have noticed the rate at which new members join has declined quite a lot. In the admin tool set, is there any facility for watching sign-up trends?
  14. Quite. Next time I had to record my observations in that class I presented it in LCARS interface style. I got a better mark.
  15. An email we just got at work telling us how to avoid being in the 3.1*10-6% of people killed by Guy Fawkes's evil spirit:
  16. "Why moss?" indeed. We had to use those weak binocular microscopes to see what we were doing. It was annoying as hell. Especially when you drew what you saw (as instructed in ALL bio drawings lessons) and got told you hadn't shown enough interesting details.
  17. URL: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/misc.php?s=&action=faq&page=2#referrals When refs are turned on, your profile includes a count of people you've directed here
  18. Are referrals not turned on? Might be a good way to bring more people on to the site, and a bit of healthy competition too
  19. Blike & YT: "Moss?!" Yes indeed, moss, as in the green stuff that grows on walls etc. We had a (possibly dangerously obssessed) lecturer who studied it teaching us for a couple of modules. I'm sure she was a lovely lady outside the lab but in it she always looked as if we were keeping her from her fascinating moss research. It's more humane than cats I suppose.
  20. On my biology degree they only gave us crappy animals to dissect. Locusts, mice, fish, a squid... you get the picture. Oh, and moss too. We got to dissect MOSS. There's something very wrong with this picture if US high school students get to slice up cats and pigs.
  21. I didn't mean you should wave it under people's noses. /me stays out of the whole 'appearing to be on a side' area.
  22. If you're away from the keyboard in IRC for any reason you should always signify this by using the /away command or changing your name to [nick]|afk. Or both. It's just rude not to
  23. If anyone is really annoyed by another member, so much so that the very sight of their avatar makes you want to vomit blood, can I draw your attention to the 'ignore' feature: URL: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/misc.php?s=&action=faq&page=1#buddy
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