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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. What's coprolitic nonsense? (Nice word... I like that. Almost as amusing as calling someone a coprophage).
  2. He+ are emitted from radon, apparently.
  3. It's perfectly possible to discuss homeopathic science, reflexology etc in a scientific fashion. If the discussion is not scientific, it's not very likely to be welcome on a science discussion board. The guides in the pseudosicence forum are supposed to make it clear that the approach is considered pseudoscientific, not the subject matter. The homeopathy threads for instance started in General Science and there they stayed for a good long while, until eventually they were moved to pseudoscience when it became clear there was not going to be any more scientific discussion from the people who should have been presenting evidence.
  4. I think the "jk" gives it away a bit ;-)
  5. Shouldn't it be "Firebird is Mozilla"?
  6. Doesn't radon produce alpha particles? (been a while)
  7. That's what comes of embracing a purely academic education. Mwa ha haaa :-D
  8. Sayonara


    But surely keeping ideas between your skin and your clothes makes you extra sweaty, and therefore extra smelly?
  9. You mean, that's what you meant to ask, or that's what you think is the case? lolol
  10. See how they're different questions? Do you mean that they don't grow facial hair, or that they can't? Don't is probably social, can't is probably genetic.
  11. Sayonara


    Directly before? Or 'today'? Or 'in general'?
  12. Sayonara


    Don't be such a goon. You actually believe the sensationalist (and borderline racist) crap that the MSN news site pumps out? Engage your brain, and look at the number of times the words "could be" appear, and the phrases they precede. View articles like this with extreme cynicism. Most people I know take 2 showers a day, clean their teeth after every meal and frequently visit their dentist. I have never ever been aware of being surrounded by stinking hook-fanged unclean people, and would not be surprised at all if this "study" had a sample set of 20 people they found under a bridge in Hull. Our dental system might be under strain but at least it's a right, not a privilege.
  13. Sayonara


    I doubt very much that "most mouths" have worse things than urine and trypanosomes in them. This guy needs to stop messing around and do some serious research. And I'm glad to say I am in the tongue-cleaning minority \o/
  14. Well, I don't know why R_E originally said that (although it's on here somewhere), but I lost a lot of faith in Hawking's reasoning powers when he publically subscribed to the "no time travel due to lack of time travellers" notion.
  15. Sayonara


    Committing suicide and requesting euthanasia are not the same thing.
  16. I can back it up with people if that's any help. Unless you want to be more specific about the trait you are trying to discuss, this is a science forum you know.
  17. I wonder if Steve's been eaten by a giant squid yet?
  18. He was probably just wearing it because he was out on a hen night, hence the pants-on-face look.
  19. It's funny because "bike" colloquially means "slut" in the UK. AH HA HAAA!
  20. Many caucasian/african/mediteranean/asian males don't have body hair, so it's obviously not a racial trait.
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