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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Sayonara


    Is he in pain? I voted "yes", but I accept that should I ever be in a position where such a decision is on my shoulders, and someone I care about is suffering, I might have to consider things a lot more carefully. It's easy to be morally superior when you are not in the situation yourself.
  2. Now they've grown a pair and decided to have characters who might actually be lying to Neo, I find the Oracle a lot more interesting as a character. Seeing as the world is meant to be a system of linked human minds and computers, I prefer the Oracle as "software with motives" instead of being surrounded by all that mysticism crap that the W. Bros use to muddy up anything they can't think of a cogent explanation for. The "knows all, sees all, benevolent" character we saw her as in the first film was tired and banal. Conversely, the "program looking out for its own interests by slipping between the cracks and manipulating system resources to avoid deletion" approach is far more interesting.
  3. That's what the W. Bros are relying on to sell their ideas, methinks. The rub is that they aren't actually saying anything philosophically profound, nor are they making a film about religion. They're just stealing older stories than most screenwriters do.
  4. Does that model allow for any sort of interaction in the "past" and "future", or simply observation?
  5. You said "Ever hear of those gamma explosions that wipe out whole galaxies". I said that doesn't happen. You presented your evidence, I presented my evidence. I don't see a problem with the process at all. Don't panic - a gamma burst is unlikely to wipe out all life in a galaxy.
  6. Oh, and the X Files. I BLAME the X Files.
  7. What we referred to as the real world in The Matrix is almost certainly just another simulation. But if it is, then the time scale of the Zion populations (250,000 people) could also be simulated. It could be 2009 in the "real world", with everything we have seen running as a program on a desktop PC. The film was a house of cards, with the Wachowski Bros cramming in any good idea they could find regardless of how the overall structure handled it. Not all of the "revelations" in Reloaded can be true, so it's inevitable that Revolutions is going to have some sort of reset button ending. They could have saved us all a couple of hours by cutting out the whole film up to the point where Neo stops the sentinels using nothing but his enormous mentalist powers.
  8. The site you are using has this to say about hypernovae: http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/features/news/20may99.html Among my favourite bits are: ...and... - even at best, not enough energy to wipe out a galaxy.
  9. We are essentially talking about the same thing, although "bursts" and "streams" evoke different mental images. A hypernova is doubtless an impressive event but it cannot destroy a galaxy. Think of the scales involved - I'd be surprised if it took out neighbouring star systems. It certainly couldn't irradiate a whole galaxy due to the (very basic physics) 1 over 4 rule and the 'dots on a balloon surface' expansion effect.
  10. In fact, it's almost the complete opposite.
  11. Then you should aspire to be more widely read so you can passively absorb the rules that make plots work In all honesty I think I am possibly just a more demanding viewer than you are, but you have to ask yourself why The Matrix needed any sequels, and why nothing in M:R was mentioned or hinted at in the first film. Occam's razor suggests it's extra stuff they just made up in the intervening years, and tacked on to the story.
  12. Sayonara


    I didn't see that bit. After the 8th "facking" in the first 3 seconds I just went to a different movie
  13. It's so common now to use the terms interchangeably that I don't suppose it matters much. "Psychic" mediums and such - the fairground types - have nothing to do with (for instance) serious experiments into telepathic communication. But because people confuse the two, the latter suffers the ill reputation of the former. I blame the movies and sloppy media-type people.
  14. What story? The plot was a list of excuses and cop-outs held tenuously together by a hilariously badly-handled "relationship". They could have covered it in 20 minutes instead of padding it out to almost 3 hours.
  15. Sayonara


    Errr... When Daisy said "amazonian" I don't think she meant actually from the Amazon. lollz
  16. Sayonara


    Stupid swearing guy is the least funny.
  17. Matrix Reloaded was not original, revolutionary or groundbreaking in any way whatsoever. There is _nothing_ in that movie that has not been done before. If you think The Matrix was original I suggest you watch Dark City. The only redemming feature of M:R was that it had a mix of Rob Dougan's "Furious Angels" as part of the score.
  18. Why the hell would you bump a thread that was started and last replied-to in february then say "old topic"?
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