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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. The URL doesn't work because it has spaces in it, and the automatic parsing in this page stops when it reaches whitespace. This might work [edit] Well, the parsing worked OK but the PDF appears to no longer be stored there. Vlamir, people don't download .doc files because they are notorious for spreading macro viruses and malicious VB script. it has nothing to do with the size. Not that I'm saying you have written a malicious script, just that people are less likely to download your document if it is a Word doc.
  2. Your communications to other network resources, the internet etc has what are called "ports" - the easiest way to think of them is as channels. Port 80 is the port that http requests arrive at, so it's not likely to be blocked by a firewall. Thinking about it though it's actually the server that you connect to at port 80... I'll shut up now. The banana is called Geoff and he's gone on his holidays to see family in the Bahamas. They're Bahamas Bananas.
  3. You just sent me the code I put above you crazy mofo - lol I think it failed the first time because I accidentally put the check variable name in the wrong case. Glad I could help.
  4. Sayonara

    Oi Sayonara

    That's Tweenie-proof glass.
  5. Sayonara

    Oi Sayonara

    He already is violent. That's why I had to separate him from the others and trap him in that orange box.
  6. I got bored of having to start every post with two vbCode tags.
  7. People who download Word documents off the web deserve to be consumed by a black hole. .txt or .pdf
  8. It will stop the majority of Trojans and worms from scanning the ports on your PC, or - if there are any on your PC - it will stop them scanning for new victims. Unless they use an unsecured port like Port 80 of course. Like atm said, it won't do a thing to viruses in emails, on discs etc.
  9. Sayonara

    Oi Sayonara

    That, my friend, is a Tweenie. http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/tweenies/
  10. My mum decided to burn the wrapping on some Amaretti biscuits. Shame at was the ones with heavy, waxed wrappers. How I laughed.
  11. Sayonara

    Oi Sayonara

    LOL! http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=60
  12. MrL does all the hiring and firing etc, I'm only interested in being a madam.
  13. Come work in my Burlesque House.
  14. Sayonara

    Oi Sayonara

    MrL decided I was called suzie so now I am. I think you're just jealous because I have a big heart and you don't
  15. I'm not gay, I'm testosteronically challenged.
  16. Yes I am. But in a manly way. Now if you'll excuse me the Coquilles St. Jacques needs attention lavishing on it.
  17. What do you mean? Pink is a manly colour. Real men like pink.
  18. Ha ha ha, yeah he is so gay, unlike me. I'm a macho man.
  19. It's to make people think I am nice.
  20. Because we knew it was going to be 'clever', but not as 'clever' as we'd like (this is a mythical level of cleverness that can't actually be achieved in reality), so we clicked it hoping we could say "ooh, is that it?".
  21. I think you might be following someone else there MrL.
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