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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I'm going to play Generals: Zero Hour now. Is that vague enough?
  2. I'm ordering the equipment we need right now.
  3. I don't think finding the period key is a problem for him
  4. Then we should get started before it's too late. I'll find us a diving bell.
  5. Unless we tied a rope around YT real good, and like --- dipped him into the event horizon with a polaroid camera 'n stuff.
  6. The Earth has been calculated to have a (near enough) 50:50 chance of either being thrown out into the extragalactic void, or tumbelling into the black hole at the center of the galaxy. Huzzah! Presumably this means the Andromeda collision will be muchos muchos more violent than the one that is currently in progress.
  7. For instance, I just installed a script on TSA that does the following: On start of session: - Get IP, Agent type (the browser or viewing device), referrer (where they came from), timestamp, and landing spot (the complete URL they arrived at). - Add all this to the visitors table. - Increment page views by one. - Increment unique visits by one. On load new page: - Insert row into visitors tracking table to show source page, destination page and IP. - Increment page views by one. So when I get around to it I will be able to build an application that lets me: - Decide what devices and browsers to make development priorities, - View geographic an temporal distribution of visitors, - Decide which pages and subjects need most attention, - Decide which search engines get the best results and which need more encouragement, Etc. w00t \o/
  8. They do not wipe out whole galaxies. Stars that are collapsing into black holes or hitting the super nova stage may - if the conditions are right - emit a stream of gamma radiation form each pole. If a planet fell into the path of this beam, in the same galaxy, there's a good chance the weather system, water cycle etc would be devastated and the atmosphere damaged enough to wipe out all surface life. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/1975354.stm However, wiping out an entire galaxy is extremely difficult to do. Interestingly enough our own galaxy is tearing up another right at this moment, and we will collide with Andromeda in 3 billion years.
  9. Sayonara

    grr school

    Work, home, eat, sleep, up, lather, rinse, repeat :/
  10. Can you change the name of the page to (name).txt and attach it to the thread? There is an "attach file" option below the bit where you enter your post.
  11. What happens when you submit the form? do you get any message or error code? What do you mean "header variables"? The script and HTML I suggested should be enclosed by correct HTML page start and end blocks (HEAD, BODY and so on). You said you were getting mails before right, just with nothing in them?
  12. Make sure you corrected the form element names and put the hidden field "check" in that I suggested. If "check" is not there, no mail will be sent. I have increased its size in the script so it is more noticeable. [edit] I just noticed that the field is called "check" but the script was looking for "CHECK". PHP now corrected.
  13. So the fixed variables $subject = "You have recieved an order"; $from_email = "mjw136@omegamp.com"; $to_email = "mjw136@hotmail.com"; are being sent, which means that mail() is working ok on that server. The problem is something to do with the script getting the info from the form elements. Try creating test_1.php and stick this in it: <?php if ($_POST['check'] == "sent") { // form variables $firstname = $_POST['FirstName']; $lastname = $_POST['LastName']; $address = $_POST['Address']; $city = $_POST['city']; $state = $_POST['state']; $zipcode = $_POST['zipcode']; $phonepart1 = $_POST['PhoneAreaCode']; $phonepart2 = $_POST['PhoneNumberPart2']; $phonepart3 = $_POST['PhoneNumberPart3']; $email = $_POST['email']; $creditcardnumber = $_POST['CreditCardNumber']; $month = $_POST['month']; $day = $_POST['Day']; $year = $_POST['ExpirationYear']; // fixed variables $subject = "You have recieved an order"; $from_email = "mjw136@omegamp.com"; $to_email = "mjw136@hotmail.com"; $message = "First Name: " . $firstname . "\n Last Name: " . $lastname. " \n Address: " . $address . "\n City: " . $city . "\n State: " . $state . " \n ZipCode: " . $zipcode . "\n Phone: " . $phonepart1 . "-" . $phonepart2 . "-" . $phonepart3 . "\n E-mail: " . $email . "\n Credit Card Number: " . $creditcardnumber . "\n Expiration Date: " . $month."-".$day."-".$year; $headers = "From: " . $from_email . "\r\n"; mail($to_email, $subject, $message, $headers); echo "I sent the mail, check it now."; } else { echo "Send mail from the form to test this script:"; } ?> <form method=POST action="<?php $PHP_SELF; ?>" target="_self"> First Name: <input type="text" name="FirstName" size=15><br> Last Name: <input type="text" name="LastName" size=15><br> Phone Number: <input type="text" name="PhoneAreaCode" size=3> -<input type="text" name="PhoneNumberPart2" size=3> -<input type="text" name="PhoneNumberPart3" size=3><br> Address: <input type="text" name="address" size=28><br> City: <input type="text" name="city" size=12><br> State: <input type="text" name="state" size=12><br> Zip Code: <input type="text" name="zipcode" size=5><br> Email: <input type="text" name="email" size=18><br> Credit Card Number: <input type="text" name="CreditCardNumber" size=16><br> Credit Card Expiration Date:<br> Month: <select name="month"> <option value="January">January <option value="February">February <option value="March">March <option value="April">April <option value="May">May <option value="June">June <option value="July">July <option value="August">August <option value="October">October <option value="November">November <option value="December">December </select> Day: <select name="Day"> <option value="01">01 <option value="02">02 <option value="03">03 <option value="04">04 <option value="05">05 <option value="06">06 <option value="07">07 <option value="08">08 <option value="09">09 <option value="10">10 <option value="11">11 <option value="12">12 <option value="13">13 <option value="14">14 <option value="15">15 <option value="16">16 <option value="17">17 <option value="18">18 <option value="19">19 <option value="20">20 <option value="21">21 <option value="22">22 <option value="23">23 <option value="24">24 <option value="25">25 <option value="26">26 <option value="27">27 <option value="28">28 <option value="29">29 <option value="30">30 <option value="31">31 </select> Year: <input type="text" name="ExpirationYear" size=4> [size=4]<input type="hidden" name="check" value="sent">[/size] <br><br> <input type="submit" value="Submit Order"> <input type="reset" value="Reset Form"> </form>
  14. I'm rewriting the code so you can test something but in the meantime try changing $_POST to $HTTP_POST_VARS
  15. You will have to change them both in the HTML and the PHP. Did any values get sent with the mail, and if so - which? This is the first place to begin with a diagnostic process.
  16. Wavelength :lclambda: affects colour, not frequency.
  17. The (string) is optional. Your PHP server should be able to work out that variable is a string just by what's in it. If you don't surround your PHP code with correct opening and closing tags, obviously it won't be processed by the server. Did that lot work?
  18. We are the banana. You will be incorporororated. Resistance is futile.
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