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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. What-ho young raggamuffin! Come back here you unsightly whippersnapper! By George, I'll teach you to pilfer Mrs Perriwinkle's muffins and you see if I don't!
  2. Do it like this: $subject = "You have recieved an order"; $from_email = $_POST['from_email']; $to_email = "mjw136@hotmail.com"; $message = // put together your body text here rather than in the mail() function itself $headers = (string) "From:" . $from_email . "\r\n"; mail($to_email, $subject, $message, $headers);
  3. Sayonara

    Spider Bite

    It is extremely likely the backbone (excuse the choice of word for describing an attribute of an invertebrate) of their venom is a protease, yes. Can't say I've ever looked into it though
  4. You ARE better protected with a firewall, but if you keep Windows (I assume that's your operating system) patched and up-to-date as soon as updates are available on http://www.windowsupdate.com then you will make it very difficult for anyone to actually do anything remotely. Some worms and viruses (like Nimda and the recent MSBlast) scan for computers that are vulnerable - again if you have the update from MS then they can't affect you. If uninstalling ZA resolved your network problems, try checking the FAQ and user documentation on their website to see if there are any known issues. It's also worth hitting google to find some consumer-end discussion on the way it works.
  5. Try assembling the headers and body before you stick them into your mail() function, then tell us what happened.
  6. That's what she gets in her eyes. IT'S EVIIIL. (Nice powers of observation NSX. And atm too, who said "whut?" to me offline).
  7. Sayonara

    Spider Bite

    The venom is a toxin that actively attacks cell structures, causing necrosis. Some spiders bite once, but others bite repeatedly while they are able - macerating the skin and allowing venom to more easily spread through the subcutaneous tissue. I'm not sure if the brown recluse does this. This page describes how bites from that spider can take 3-4 hours before they are noticeable, and discusses reasons why spider bites in general are difficult to diagnose and therefore may get a bit... icky. That snopes page I posted earlier did not come to any clear conclusion but it does say: I can see how someone might get bitten, dismiss the bite, then when it gets itchy and sore a few hours later, it gets infected by their scratching. Whoever it was in that photo was certainly unlucky
  8. Sayonara


    Cannabis Sativa probably - like many plants - simply won't self pollinate. Can't say I've checked though. Afaik pollen is not always yellow. I would have thought the pollen that is yellow is specifically coloured to attract insects such as bees. Pollen from species that aren't closely related is highly unlikely to do anything when it reaches another flower. However, this doesn't mean you can't make any hybrids through that or another method... so you could give it a try.
  9. Sayonara


    A lot of species can cross-pollinate, as they have both anthers and stigmata - the pollen-bearing and pollen-receiving structures. "Male" and "female" plants are rare. Not all plants can cross-pollinate, but some do. Those that do are better off fertilising other individual plants in order to increase genetic diversity.
  10. Sayonara


    Basically it's a gamete-carrying structure. Think of it as sniffable sperm
  11. "First female Prime Minister of Canada". Pay a-bloody-ttention.
  12. lol OK I won't mention T A X E S again :-D
  13. I hope nobody ever tries to explain taxes to you - you might have a coronary Sony's behaviour with music is a shame, because their hardware is fantastic.
  14. I don't see how that prevents Marty McFly from clambering out of his Delorean and dying a horrible death in the cold of space. Nor does it excuse time travel involving a machine that does not "move with" the traveller, á la "Terminator".
  15. Because it might affect the methods they employ in assessing and treating the damage, not because they want to decide if they're going to do anything about it. That has nothing to do with my question to YT. I am trying to establish why he is implicating that there is a "worthiness value" that can be attached to depression by virtue of the reasons the sufferer feels depressed.
  16. If you found someone lying in the street with a broken leg, would you interrogate them as to how they broke it before you deigned to help them?
  17. Dave is a senior moderator btw. If you want to be able to indulge your theories here in the future you may want to pay more attention to the way things are done on this site - it's not like you haven't been told before, and it's not like we hide all 'the rules' where people can't see them. Here is the forum information and policy page. Here is a list of forum leaders so you don't make the same mistakes most of the hall of shamers made. Here is a handy guide to avoiding making pseudoscientific gaffes.
  18. Another 29 goes yet before it makes any sense!
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