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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I've already given Garry an administrative warning for insubordination towards Greg, so it's not like he doesn't know it's not considered to be good form.
  2. Maybe if we put Zarkov's theories through 30 translators or so, they will turn out to be quantum theory.
  3. I know, but taking one phrase regarding physics and just assuming I know what it means in the presence of a physicist seems like a bit of a silly thing to do, so I'm not going to do that.
  4. Sayonara

    Our Origins

    There's no need to ban him. He stomped off on his own.
  5. Iirc, a base has an excess of HO- The convention is to describe ions in terms of electrons moving, as protons aren't known for zipping around away from their parent atom. Or did I make all of that up while sleeping?
  6. I'm not going to assume he means what you think he means aman
  7. Actually that was the sound of my head repeatedly acquainting itself with a brick wall.
  8. bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang
  9. If you would accept an atom as a machine for the purposes of the original question, why start discriminating against components of the machine if we scale it up to "the entire universe", which by definition includes all light energy?
  10. I meant here really. I have some ideas if you can't think of anything. The "do you have powers" question was incidental. I suspect if someone was accessing your account directly on PAGD they would have used them by now.
  11. "however"? No such thing as free lunch == energy cannot be created or destroyed. Hence "does light count?", and "is the heat death of the universe indicative of no attributable perpetual existence?"
  12. Go nuts. You deserve it. BTW - do you still have your modly powers over there?
  13. What are you talking about? Other than backing up my point that people with bits missing don't like to be called "handicapped", which I made in response to your statement.
  14. Matter didn't say "considering someone to be handicapped if part of their body is missing is a stereotype", he said "Seems if you're missing a physical piece of your body you're handicapped".
  15. I think a lot of people who have lost limbs, eyes etc would very strongly disagree with you actually. You know, like they've been campaigning about for years.
  16. This is not a good day to piss MrL off, for anyone who's interested.
  17. On the radio right now, they are discussing giving preference to students from deprived areas with worse grades than students from good backgrounds and schools. One "contributor" actually said there was no research that suggested that 3 B-grades from a deprived school was any worse than 3 A-grades from a well-funded school. I wonder why there is a standardised grading system then? Surely if the selection system is not working, it's better to change your selection system instead of picking and choosing which results of the system to accept.
  18. Well, 'heat death' is the sticky wicket isn't it? That's why I asked, not what I was asking.
  19. What about the entire universe?
  20. The idea that travel in time would somehow include a corresponding yet arbitrary movement in space (normally repositioning in accordance with the position and orientation of the planet) is the most convincing flaw in cinematic time travel. We really can't say "flux capacitors won't ever be a component in time machines" but we can certainly say "if you travel ahead in time by one day you should probably wear a spacesuit."
  21. BTW, I changed the title of this thread to make it more user- and search engine-friendly. Hope nobody minds
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