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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Linux itself doesn't actually cost, if you do have to pay for a distribution it's usually support you are paying for. What is it you want to do, Navajo?
  2. Ummm... not really seeing the connection between chalk being in the wrong place, and the quest for a golden ark. PS - 200,000,000 million years...? That's older than the universe iirc.
  3. In evolutionary terms 1000 years is not very much at all. It is however time enough for small changes due to natural selection alone. We are unlikely to see speciation in humans even by 12,003 (considering how long homo sapiens sapiens has been around), but you never know. Adaptive changes are likely to involve a massively reduced jaw size, almost hairless body, thinner longer limbs, and larger eyes. We will probably have a simpler digestive system that is no longer capable of breaking down complex organic structures.
  4. Unless you're conducting literature-based research of course, which is non-experimental evidence.
  5. Javascript would be easier, but Perl probably more useful. If you are going to learn JavaScript, the Wrox books are quite good. I haven't read any for Pearl but LuTze may have done. I'm not sure what will happen to AW during R1 (codewise), but if there's anything to be done I'll let you know. R1 is going to be an extended beta as you know, but we pretty much have all the code sorted (it's just a matter of getting it all up and working now).
  6. Sayonara


    <3 = heart Who was bashing paintball?
  7. We need more bananas.
  8. The same way you would, presumably. I am. So? Example 1 says nothing that supports homeopathic methodology. If it is meant to highlight any shortcomings with modern medicine, then it fails, as the author is clearly unaware of the massive advances in neurological therapy over the past 15 years. Example 2 is a joke. Gonorrhea and Syphilis have been succesfully prevented and cured by medicinal means for decades. Mercury, on the other hand, has been well known for devastating the brain and vital organs for almost a century. The ability to give the formal name for a species of bacterium does not lend a theory or proposition credence - hard evidence does.
  9. Sayonara


    I have a BSc in Applied Bio.
  10. That's not relevant. If you are applying scientific method correctly, your definition of "disease" must have already been accounted for in the hypothesis you are testing. I think you may be mistaking "science" for "medical types who refute homeopathy out of hand". Science is not an instituion - it's a way of investigating questions.
  11. The scientific method is "platform independent" - it can be applied to demonstrate whether anything is true or false, as long as there is testable evidence either way.
  12. It's full of people called Tracey who invariably seem to wear tracksuits and giant gold hoop ear-rings. Oh yes, and sovereign rings - because they are so tasteful and elegant.
  13. Ten Most Recent Searches Made By Our Users: Today at 07:13 PM glider (109) Today at 05:18 PM vaccine vaccines (2) Today at 03:00 AM Hahnemannian444 (7)
  14. I am living in Leeds at the moment. <shudder>
  15. Personally I was having dinner, although yesterday I ate at 22.40 so don't draw any sweeping conclusions
  16. It's been clearly visible from my bedroom window for more than a month \o/ If it's visible from where you are you really can't miss it - you'll see it and think "THAT'S Mars".
  17. Anthony has giant knockers
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