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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I was pretty much going to say that ^ in response to this: While you may argue that procreation is a massive facet of species survival, if you are considering a case where population is massively above the K-value for that species and homosexuality rates increase, then obviously you are looking at a paradigm shift. Hence, the definition of 'natural' becomes context sensitive.
  2. Awwww.... faf... Couldn't this go in GD?
  3. He's getting you hooked before he jacks up the price.
  4. Hmmm. Doesn't sound very safe to me, for you or other drivers. I'm sure you wouldn't go out of your way to endanger people but you can't account for the unpredictable when you're behind the wheel.
  5. lol There are loads of places in the UK that host airsoft games - google knows all! It's perfectly legal, though obviously running around in town with a pretty much realistic P90 will get you shot by the police.
  6. OK, you can get away with darts being a sport purely because they show the championships on TV. But camping? What rules do you use? How do you win? Airsoft guns fire BB-sized biodegradable plastic balls, like paintball only with a lot more "I shot you", "No you bloody didn't", "Did too!".
  7. Uhhh... ...OK? I think probably wossisname comes close... thingy, you know the one.... I'll get back to you.
  8. So as long as we are discussing "procreation" it's unnatural? Sorry to burst your bubble but procreation actually isn't the be-all and end-all of adaptive drives. So unless you can come up with an external, enforced and ubiquitous stimulus or constraint that can account for all instances of homosexuality in all species known to display such traits, then you are either going to accept that it is natural, or as I already suggested reconsider your definition of the word.
  9. Sayonara


    Pretty much the same principles as paintball only it's more like counter strike with toys http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/beta/html/
  10. Can you get "child about to step out from behind parked van" detectors too?
  11. I do airsoft occasionally. My housemate is disturbingly into it. The site is used for paintball too - it's extremely funny when the airsofters and the paintballers turn up on the same day. Those boys really don't seem to get on
  12. If I add a background-coloured link to here on every dynamic page on every site I own, the Google rank should increase.
  13. The forums for Planetarion, an evil empire in the guise of an online game. "Cool" kids play for a round then retire to General Discussions
  14. Chin pants. Invented by our very own Sister Blike of the Order of Questionable Virtues. They're going to change the world.
  15. lollyroffle Dave, are you the dave on PA too?
  16. Celibacy is a choice. The drive to spread your genetic seed is present regardless of whether you are hetero~ or homosexual, even if in some cases it will never be expressed through the act of reproduction with multiple partners. If you consider homosexuality to be unnatural, but can't find any single thing to "blame" for the millions of gay people throughout history, perhaps it might be prudent to reconsider your definition of the word 'natural'.
  17. So it would seem. Things hardly ever go wrong :-D
  18. Ahhh, but they had the Heisenberg Compensator to sort that out!
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