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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I am behind a hardware firewall and a gateway so I don't need a software firewall. If you have an up-to-date antivirus then it doesn't matter, because the worm will be killed. If you have an up-to-date windows installation, then it won't matter, as the worm can't scan or infect you.
  2. Except on narrow roads. And bends. And pedestrian crossings. And cobbles. And in adverse conditions. And near schools. And for cars that can't make that speed. And for cyclists. And for people who need to drive faster to make their deadlines. And for learners. Etc. However, 10mph on an empty road is not cool.
  3. Am I right in thinking you are trying to find the mechanism, or 'missing link' if you will, between the homeopathic remedy and the actual affect it has on the malady in question, while accepting that the remedies you employ seem to have the desired effect in mitigating or erradicating the malady?
  4. You're right in that Pi is just another route, but every circle has a definite and definable area. I have to agree that maths is only one of several possible expressive methods, however you will find it difficult to evidence any of your theory without it. MSBlast only affects people who have their head in the clouds, so I'm finding the whole thing terribly entertaining. Apparently the scheduled DDoS attack on windowsupdate.com failed because the author did not correctly identify the target servers. Ha ha ha, even windows viruses are stupidly coded.
  5. Sayonara

    Define LIFE

    We do have a pseudoscience forum you know. This particular one is for BIOLOGY.
  6. I think it would be beneficial to specify exactly what he is correct about, and why... Otherwise this will turn into a flaming great rage thread as all time travel threads seem to do.
  7. 1. All matter has not existed since the beginning of time, matter and energy are interchangeable. 2. If you are capable of moving through time, then time gives the bucket an extra dimension therefore the position of an atom in time has no net effect on the capacity of the bucket. Summary: If your description of the bucket theory is accurate, I would say it's not that likely to be 'true'. Is that what you were after?
  8. Perhaps then you can explain: 1) Why every single University on the face of the planet that has a biology department has researchers engaged in tackling the unknowns of evolutionary and selective processes, 2) Why, year-on-year, theories and formulae are still being revised, dropped and added into the Evolutionary Theory Group (from here known as ETG), 3) Why anybody bothers to observe populations for cross-generation effects and Mendelian drift in the lab or in the field across several generations and at ludicrous expense, 4) How the ETG can be complete when we still have no answers as to how life began, how it developed from inert organic material to the cellular form we know today, and why it exists, 5) How the ETG can be complete when we have no model for interplanetary ecology, 6) How the ETG can be complete when we still have no complete models for deep-rock microbe systems, ice-locked microbe systems or deep-sea sulphur vent ecosystems, 7) Why, if the ETG is complete, can discrete intraspecific events not be predicted? And those are just some off-the-cuff examples from a biologist who supports evolution as a concept.
  9. No it hasn't, stop mixing metaphors, and - most importantly - take a deep breath.
  10. That probably won't help your case, he did after all pick out the most legitimate and credible-looking one...
  11. Sayonara

    Define LIFE

    Here's a look from a non-biological standpoint which offers interesting aspects on the problem: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=112
  12. It rather depends how far you want to go into the biology. Hence the inclusion of the "semantic" clause ;-)
  13. Right- I'm not (a) at work or (b) drunk now, so... The RPC protocol vulnerability was first identified in June and it is a really big deal, because of the scope for potential attacks. Businesses have been patching and preparing since then precisely because it was known that worms such as MSblast would start appearing. However, home users are notorious for not knowing what windows update is, much less using it, and for not using AV or a firewall. MSblast was therefore designed to scan for Windows installations running the RPC protocol without the patch. Because this protocol enables NT systems to move information between ports (a bit like FTP) MSblast is able to copy itself to the target PC in a matter of seconds, and then of course it starts scanning again for new targets. The payload MSblast carries is only designed to launch a DDoS attack on the windows update servers. An unexpected side-effect was the periodic shut-downs on XP machines, due to MSblast accidentally interfering with the RPC process. The only reason this shuts down the machine is due to XP being stupid. So the net effect today is that a lot of infected people will be unable to use their computers, and in theory nobody can update because the update site will be down or busy (although i see it's running fine at the minute). Ho ho ho. If you have been infected, and got rid of the worm, you must apply the M$ patch to stay free of similar problems in the future. There WILL be other worms that attack RPC vulnerabilities.
  14. Brain Science Foundation sounds like something Warner Bros would come up with.
  15. He's saying that a successful human mating event is not the creation of life, it is the creation of offspring and therefore the continuation of life. It's a perfectly valid semantic argument on its own, just not delivered terribly well What he is ultimately trying to demonstrate is that the people objecting to this experiment are getting worked up over very little.
  16. It's a general "Whut" posted in the HOPE that someone might summarise how this thread degenerated so FAST, so I don't have to bother re-reading it. Ideally by using lots of WORDS in capitals to make them more TRUE.
  17. So, it's actually you who's getting confused between real life and Indiana Jones then? Insofar as we can call the bible "real life", anyway. I'd put a lot more faith in the historical integrity of the Dead Sea Scrolls and similar sources. I have no idea whatsoever what the Grail does (or if it ever existed). But I think it's more realistic to assume it should not be meddled with by hedonistic, self-serving men, rather than assuming it can be made to dole out riches and power on demand.
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