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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Sayonara

    an essay

    I think Dudde was looking to hear about the arguments for and against, rather than trying to provide a soap-box for random religious rantings. I like the phrase "evolutionary dogma", it's a delicious irony. Since you will not be aware of the actual extent of evidence for the evolutionary theory groups, and in fact don't know how to identify valid evidence and therefore don't realise that there is none whatsoever for the christian god, I won't try to explain why.
  2. AO_champion is correct, the evolutionary process is only a theory that cannot be proven per se. However I would be interested in hearing about these "flaws" he mentioned in the other thread as, having studied evolutionary processes for 9 years now, I have seen no evidence of such. I'd also be very impressed if he could tell me a bit about evolution, the primary workings etc. I'd be astonished if he could identify commonly-held false beliefs about evolution. I wonder if he realises most of evolutionary theory is pure maths, which is not really disputable? The fact is that there are repeatable experiments that can demonstrate both evolutionary and selective processes in action. There is more evidence for the evolutionary processes than for most other collections of scientific theories. What evidence is there for God? What evidence is there for the creationist argument? Doubtless you'll fall back on geological evidence or whimsical interpretations of texts that have been translated fifty-three times, and claim that they match 'god's word in the bible'. Clearly demonstrating you don't know how to identify evidence. I suggest keeping your opinions about god in the religion forum where they can be debated by the people who care. Ramming your opinion on religious matters down the throats of people in the general science thread is considered bad form. As for your misconceptions about evolution, read a good book that isn't written by a religious fanatic then come back. And don't mind Intelligence, he's like that with everyone.
  3. Postmodernism is the practice whereby elements the use of which were once considered modernist are reintroduced in the extreme of the original style.
  4. And you say you've published papers? No offence but in the above post you sound like a sociopathic lunatic with a particularly angsty chip on his shoulder
  5. Why would you put your name to a journal but not post it on a specialised forum?
  6. Actually, the net will be faster tomorrow than it has been for a long, long time. If you want to be able to capitalise on that, do get the patch. Being owned is what you get for not keeping Windows up-to-date, and not keeping an eye on the IT security press Go MSblast! Funniest and most productive worm for months. I will explain later - gotta catch the bus home in a few minutes.
  7. Heh, I think we should both be quite safe. I can think of CERTAIN PEOPLE who have absolute crackers...
  8. Who's got the most cringe-inducing first post on the forums? Mine's here: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16 To find your first post, click on your own 'profile' button or your name in the threads list, then click on "search for all posts by this user", then go to the last item on the last page...
  9. Like the world needs more powerful weapons.
  10. First, you'll have to get hold of a Klingon Bird of Prey...
  11. By 'announcement' I mean like the Lorenz Transforms one here: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=20
  12. That's enough. [edit] Recommended: A book that helps distinguish learning maths and understanding maths
  13. If you phrase it in a more obvious fashion I can turn it into an announcement for you.
  14. Based on what evidence? Can you go into more detail about the mammoths? Not heard about this.
  15. I think it has just come out in the UK, but I saw it thru other means anyway...
  16. Quiet you. Actually, Jinx can find it with Google.
  17. In the first thread Navajo posted on this subject I clearly showed that you could get thousands of hacking tutorials with a single, simple query on Google. Cracking tutorials are another matter. Crackers cause damage, hackers don't. Ignore Hollywood. Nobody has yet pointed out that you may only modify open source code as long as you keep the new source code freely available.
  18. Damn you. Now I have to think something up.
  19. Is there a point to this thread? Or are you just duplicating posts from other forums to increase Googlicity?
  20. That's really not a mystery. I can't dig anything up right now as I am at work but I can find you the explanation later on. (ps - water is not an element).
  21. Because it's a great big blob?
  22. Bow down, bow down Before the power of SAN-TA Bow down, or be crushed by.... His jolly boots of DOOM.
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