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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Sayonara


    It's a randomly selected number made notorious by a crappy deceased writer.
  2. Back to the happy joy-joy banana, stick with the Gaze of Doom, or change to secret option of fantastical mystery and delight. Decide now!
  3. He seems to be posting regardless. Maybe people aren't as easily put-off as you think. Stevil is all signed up I notice.
  4. Peter, if you had bothered to read Stevil's post you would have seen that he was talking about driving an axle using magnetic induction - in other words, basically an electrical motor. Only more complicated and more expensive. And since you already pointed out yourself that there is not yet any way to transform the energy produced by your magnet system into directed thrust for a spaceship, I fail to see how the distinction could be relevant or valid.
  5. Yes, there's no reason why not. Although there are less unpleasant ways to get cheap energy...
  6. Biological organisms aren't actually that efficient to be honest. The best ideas for exploiting organisms are those that use something the organism does anyway, without interference from us. Like harvesting the methane by-products of decomposition for use as a fuel.
  7. Except in its other form, which is cinema
  8. "National Health Service". Basically what you described, only real
  9. Take a look at the NHS we have in the UK and you'll see how such a system rapidly gets turned into a politicians' laundromat.
  10. Obviously the first thing you should do is check that you have entered the correct e-mail address in your personal control panel. Also bear in mind that sessions for this forum expire after 20 minutes with no activity, unless you log out when the session is terminated. So if you make a post then close your browser and go off and do something away from the PC, the forums still think you're logged in and will not bother sending out a mail for replies until after the 20 minute session expires (did that make sense?). The third possibility is that your mail service automatically deletes mails they think are spam (a lot of automatically generated server mails get trapped this way - it depends if your mail service use reverse-DNS lookups to authenticate the source of an email). I know e-mail notification is working because I get them for certain threads, along with other auto-generated mails.
  11. !!!! http://www.toilets.com !!!!
  12. He might as well dance naked in the streets singing "wooo, look at me, look at me, I'm controversial, LOVE MEEEEE". "The body is obsolete", what a prententious twat. This is not prosthetic enhancement. He is going to have an ear-shaped piece of flesh that does not work on his arm. Engineering and fitting a working limb or additional organ - now that would be an achievement. Artist my arse.
  13. Sayonara


    Does anybody use the Calendar for anything other than birthdays? I just added an event for the beta test of Armada Wars and noticed nobody else seems to have ever used that function.
  14. I can see in your mouth.
  15. I was in there last night and you had gone
  16. It has nothing to do with discrediting anybody. If you're wrong, you're wrong.
  17. No, in fact I think I've only seen 1 episode ever
  18. I already posted this on PAGD but you guys need to see it too. This is for anyone who thinks going on American Idol is a good idea... http://www.ifilm.com/filmdetail?ifilmid=2473820&cch=61 ps - the first bit is a trailer
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