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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. A squaddie in Wales exploded the back of his head doing that. People who urinate on something that has a massive current running though it are probably not the sort of people you'd miss that much though...
  2. I wasn't aware you had a philosophy so much as a bunch of self-contradicting ideas. You won't find "one who has taken the idea deeper", because most people who share these ideas are the ones who have a fear of putting in enough effort to get anything useful out of the scientific process. Failure to understand something does not make that thing unprovable or wrong.
  3. Shame on you, Blike's hat is the result of a medical condition called "rampaging head hatitis".
  4. If you're going to use that ecological analogy, why bother bringing non-Terran planets into it? Colonising a new environment - as an action - has nothing to do with any of the symbioses.
  5. Most of them appear to believe that Psychology is Media Studies...
  6. Based on the psychology students I've met, no - it's not odd at all.They were all complete slackers, constantly denying their failure and pretending they were intelligent because they could memorise things that other people told them were facts. Every one of them.
  7. Having read the forensic DNA report - and Lloyd Pye's response to it - I'm going to go with "human".
  8. As I demonstrated, it depends how you define "race". In a court of law, I'd win.
  9. It can most definitely be considered racism. * 15 entries found for race. 4 - Humans considered as a group. * 2 entries found for racism. 2 - Discrimination or prejudice based on race. As can prejudice against people with ginger hair, left-handers etc.
  10. Did I miss something? When did Zeo leave? Get him back here so I can ask him why the white man thought he was better than the black man based on skin colour, rather than the fact that he didn't live in a mud hut or chase Impalas with a spear. Is this his way of saying that discrimination against homosexuality is racism? I'd have to agree.
  11. I'm not entirely sure what the cause is. I think the lifestyle must be almost impossible to maintain as society becomes more information- and record-driven. There does seem to be an element of "society should fix us" to it though.
  12. Go to the middle of France and have a look - it's quite disturbing just how far from the romantic ideal they really are now. They're neither nomadic nor performers - the French consider them to be gutter trash and in some respects they are. Or they would be if France had gutters, anyway. Not that that's any excuse to exterminate their entire kind of course, but after sixty years you'd imagine they could have got their act together if they wanted to return to the old ways.
  13. Just out of curiosity... have you ever met any real continental European Gypsies?
  14. Performing the rituals of our ancestral past for the amusement of tourists is our only source of income.
  15. I'm not sure about mentally, but it is certainly true that wars, particularly those major international conflicts this century, have been responsible for vast advances in medicine, fabrication, metallurgy, geology, physics, data transfer, design, logistics... the list goes on and on. However I'm fairly certain that the progress gained in these areas due to the war with Hitler's Germany was completely independent of the Nazis' human rights abuses.
  16. You can't make a eugenics omelette without breaking a few Human Rights treaties.
  17. Hurrah! Just what I wanted!
  18. Indeed. Unless it was via a wormhole, but that inherits the unlikeliness factor
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