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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. It's unfathomably unlikely that we would ever establish radio communication with an alien race, but it's still difficult to have a technologically advanced civilisation without putting out patterned radio signals. If they are / were ever out there, we'll detect them eventually. It's just a matter of looking in the right places.
  2. Sayonara


    I played WC2 on the PlayStation but WC3 looks to slow and involved. I did play CS for a bit before the servers filled up with cheaters. Now it's RA2, Generals and the best game ever made - Birth of the Federation
  3. You might think he's a hot stud? Maybe it's just the hat. mwa ha haa
  4. "I'm too stupid to operate a computer effectively, but I can flap my arms about and shout" is not funny.
  5. science of mind is what brings that which cannot be named, because structure
  6. What utter twaddle. That's not going to stop the endless politicking and it certainly won't remove the need of cultures to expand or defend their ideologies.
  7. The quality of such a search engine will depend on three things: (1) The quality of the structure of any databases it is searching through - a good DB structure is essential to any web-based application, (2) The quality of the actual script that runs the search - a little thought goes a long way here (a search engine is basically an interface for building semi-custom queries to be run on a database table), (3) The quality of the instructions given and the competence of the user in following them.
  8. Reliably predicting complex patterns or change over long periods. Such as: Weather, Climate, Population Dynamics, Traffic Conjestion, Sports results, Drug effect simulations etc etc.
  9. Deliberately making rubbish posts after a failed appeal against the mods deciding when and why to do their job is a bit lame. BTW it wasn't me either
  10. I have no idea what you are talking about because I am not American
  11. The heart of any good democracy is a system whereby the people are given what they need, which is not always the same as what they want.
  13. That was my point, you flaming great... AAAAARRRGGGHHH$%£%£%£!!!!!!111112
  14. It depends how long life has been on this planet of yours, and what you mean by "human type". It's too vague a question to say for sure. If you mean a planet where sufficient time has passed for a dominant, cognitive species to evolve, there's a small but reasonable chance they'd have a similar form to us, assuming their environment was anything like ours. What you have to consider though is that the tiniest difference between the planets - even a slight difference in the proportions of gas in the atmosphere - could have profound effects on the biology required for a species to thrive, and therefore on the form of the species. If you follow me.
  15. Therefore time does not stop at the speed of light. NEXT!
  16. Saying "my logic and mathematics are just as good as yours" is completely invalid. If you are using them correctly, then your application of them and the results you get should be exactly the same as anybody else who is using logic and maths.
  17. He's given you the name of the author and the field. Google. Amazon. BOL. Clearly you have internet access, use it.
  18. Thanks Skye! Exactly what I was trying to find.
  19. Isn't that a contradiction though? Even if the groups are the same size and diversity, surely the larger they are and the more diverse they are, the less likely the two populations are to come up with similar solutions. That's what I mean by the absolute size and diversity of the groups affecting the outcome.
  20. The energetics of FTL travel would have to be highly exotic. It's possible that - assuming you could travel FTL and survive the experience, there might be effects we can't currently predict. Anybody have any ideas (based on actual physics, not random nerve impulses) about that?
  21. Wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. Putting "Fungal" and "Reproduction" into Google turns up some yucky results
  22. I believe it was 2 threads of yours I closed. Unfortunately they were headed towards a kind of train-wreck situation which was best avoided altogether rather than trying to salvage what remained of the debate. You'll often find on a lot of forums that threads are left open even if trolled wildly (barring offensive material) UNLESS the original problem or query has been answered. After that, hunting season is open. As far as this thread goes, it looks like I was right. Kinda.
  23. Actually I was adding the parts you left out that would determine whether or not the outcome was as you predicted. It's called being helpful. "Conditions that affect the theory" is not something I would consider to be insignificant.
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