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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I take the view that anyone who came and asked us because he missed a Discovery show on the same subject obviously isn't bothered about getting good information. Oh, and also that I need the question to make sense before I try to answer it. This question is a bit like asking "If all new cars are made in factories, why do we need bicycles?".
  2. Errr... look at his site. I think he might behaving a laugh.
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/3053137.stm LOL
  4. Afaik that is true. You actually have to put the theory into formal practice in order to assume the title of Doctor.
  5. I would definitely pay good money to read a book you wrote, Cube. And I'd make all my friends buy it too.
  6. Really it should be: Pseudoscience Religion and Theology Philosophy and Metaphysics
  7. I've noticed that naturally concluded threads have a tendency to evolve on their own. Why, someone else could see this thread and decide to post about their fondness for manga and animé at any moment.
  8. Now if he'd said Arthur C. Clarke he could maybe have got away with
  9. [Offtopic] This is the sort of content and grammar that makes me think all your other posts are just blatant trolling. [/Offtopic] I know this is obvious, but have you tried googling for related resources? There's a good community here where you might find help (if it's still running, not been there for a while): http://www.megatokyo.com/
  10. You hurt my brain. And no, before you say it, it's not because you're too intelligent for me to understand.
  11. I couldn't agree more. If you really want a doctorate, start taking advice from the right people on how not to think.
  12. KHinfcube22 is starting to look more and more like a troll. Trolls get banned.
  13. "If I ask someone from the other town if your town is Truthville, will they say yes?" If the man is from Truthville, someone from the other town would have to lie, and would say "no". Our guy has to tell the truth therefore the answer would be "no". If the man is from Liarville, someone from the other town would have to tell the truth, and would say "no". But our guy would have to lie about it, and the answer would be "yes". So if he answers "no" to that question, he is from Truthville. If "yes", he is from Liarville and you want to go the other way.
  14. You are trying to use the benefits of electromagnetic induction while ignoring any of the physics that stops it working. And what R_E said ^
  15. Does that mean the probability of something spontaneously travelling back in time at any given moment, or of us managing to transport something back "artificially" during the existence of the universe?
  16. If you can't put that information on the web, why did "cracking tutorials" return 65,000 results? http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=cracking+tutorials mwa ha haaa
  17. Well, guess you showed me with your superior reasoning.
  18. Somewhere you can't view or make posts
  19. They are one and the same. That's the point. You can only achieve teleportation by breaking down copy A and using the information to build copy B. There is no other way of doing it without magic.
  20. Bob's a fish. He suffocated in air when Mary accidentally dropped his bowl. The man in the barn stood on a block of ice to hang himself, because he was a bit weird.
  21. Mine is my actual name. Apart from the ³ bit obviously. Who's called x³? Craziness.
  22. No. Destroying and recreating the atoms is the method of transfer. If you want to use some sort of magical fantasy teleporter to support your argument, you might want to explain how it works. Apart from being very interesting, it may even make your argument defensible.
  23. No and No. It's all in the question.
  24. Inefficient my arse. http://www.google.com/help/basics.html
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