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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. In other words "I'm too lazy to study anthropology". If you weren't too lazy you'd realise that your theory still relies on these aliens of yours evolving as sentient beings, in a similar fashion to our evolutionary process that you deemed impossible.
  2. I think you may want http://www.crap.com ta ta
  3. If anyone can think of a better way this thread might have ended, I'd like to hear it.
  4. If it's anything to do with navigable planets and squishing then I'd pay to see it. However ¡NASA Place! are probably more interested in the Butt on Mercury. PS - temporarily moved to Pseudoscience, because until there's evidence in the thread, or indeed a theory of some sort, that's what it is.
  5. This is the same question as "Is Tom Riker different to Will Riker?", but with fewer special effects.
  6. Version 2 of the PS1 was called PSX when they decided to change the ports on the back. Then PSY was released when they realised they could make more money if EVERYTHING needed a peripheral and changed the port configuration again. OK that was just picky
  7. You aren't even talking about hacking, you're talking about cracking - an entirely different proposition. If you want to create a mod or use an existing engine, go right ahead. Just don't try and market it as something new.
  8. And, knowing about genetics and languages, I wouldn't. One might imagine there's a reason.
  9. Licensing. Studios. BUSINESS.
  10. This thread reminds me of the cow conversation in Father Ted.
  11. He needn't have bothered. Bollocks doesn't get plagiarised by anyone.
  12. ASP makes me cringe. It is ugly and unnecessarily complex. Plus you pretty much have to run it under a M$ server, which is just not the way to go at all. I have heard of people using PHP as a "pure" programming language. It makes me laugh. What sort of apps have you seen it used for Syntax?
  13. What does that mean / refer to?
  14. Or if you don't want the language pack prompts....: http://www.google.com/search?ie=ISO-8859-9&q=fafalone+sucks+dick&lr=
  15. It's a relatively simple bit of PHP that adds $_POST variables into the form on the next page. Simple, but still bloody useful!
  16. Personally I hope he does. How I missed the deliriously happy insanity of Zarkov. Plus he will get on marvellously with Michael. Unless they fight over control of the pseudoscience audience of course.
  17. Michael, you are drawing tenous links between completely different principles, processes and situations and ending up with what we call a "house of cards". This term is usually used to describe a theory that a 10-year-old child could destroy with very little research.
  18. Statements without evidence are pseudoscience, no matter how convenient the train of thought.
  19. If you can find such an article I will dance naked on my webcam for you, I'm that confident no such article was printed last week. Perhaps this may come as a shock but some of us are capable of original thought based on 'what we have learned'. Creativity has nothing at all to do with why those things are relevant, and you have nothing to do with my question to Kylon.
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