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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Don't you concern yourself with what I should worry about, and stop trying to provoke a response or you'll find yourself banned again. The simple fact is that a markup language would be ideal for doing what Tony wanted to do. If you misread his idea, don't take it out on me. The idea that you know nothing about genetics is much more likely than the idea that I know nothing about computer languages.
  2. Go get a degree in physics, then a masters, then a doctorate. Then you might be able to make such grand, sweeping, meaningless statements.
  3. What exactly do they teach in schools these days? Ever heard of the following: The Holocaust Eugenics Ethics Hitler Morality International Human Genetic Trials Legislation Carrying Capacity The Top-Down Effect ?
  4. Which would pretty much simulate a DNA-based organism perfectly, "Syntax". I use markup and compiled languages every day, I have a degree in Biology. It's not like I just typed whatever popped into my head at the time. I really don't see a problem with the markup language being... (A) Static. Do you know anyone who has DNA that changes? (B) Interpreted. Well, that's what happens in cells. And Tony wants to simulate that process. Or did you not read his post and just come up with 'what he meant' in your head? © Inefficient and slow. Just like the basis of life. Hurrah for junk code, hallelujah for life spans. And how come you aren't banned anymore.
  5. Google really should have said... Did you mean clitoris?
  6. Why are you calling me "whoever" when my post is immediately above yours and it has my name on it? A markup language would be ideal for a genetic programming code. The fact that it is insecure and interpreted makes it more like a genome.
  7. I think it's your dermatologist who'd be in trouble if she didn't warn you about the side effects
  8. Oddly enough he's now less of a physicist and more of a Wiccan.
  9. Ah I see. By all means carry on
  10. Do you know what the devil he was talking about then?
  11. What mistake? I could just as easily ask you to show mathematical proof. It is not a commentary on what I believe.
  12. I think it went off topic with the whole "definition of transparent" thing. I'm still fairly certain that light reflected from the distant object passing through coloured glass carries information from point-to-point about both objects, but at the risk of this digression from the expansion of the universe going on for another 7 pages I think I might just stop talking now...
  13. True, but if you followed Geocentricman's 4 other posts he left you'd see he meant more like 6000 years.
  14. I agree that is quite silly. Someone once explained to me that it was possible that absolute nothing had to decay into something even without the laws of physics, and this caused the big bang, but although his reasoning was quite sound I can't remember it Anyone heard of a theory like that?
  15. Call it GEML - Genetic Engineering Markup Language. You'll get my vote.
  16. Look here for complete info: http://www.pharmacynetworkgroup.com/accutane-side-effects.htm Look here for an easier read: http://www.acneguide.com/tf/content.asp?a=102 I'd avoid that drug like the plague if it is not critically necessary.
  17. I'd say the greater risk comes from inadvertently using one of the several toxic species that look like 'magic' mushrooms. It's a good idea to be sure about how you're going to define "excess" if you are claiming that drugs have no long term effects. Opiates can damage sexual and reproductive systems, cause loss of weight due to disrupted digestive processes, and damage the immune system. LSD causes tolerance, can increase the risk of severe mental disturbances,and can cause ‘flashbacks’ where drug experiences may recur without warning at some time in the future .
  18. This has gone on for long enough. I'm not going to get bogged down any further in the semantics of transparency when it's clear that you will change your working definition to suit your current argument. I can look through a window and see something outside. This is a fact. Reflected, refracted and unimpeded light from both the window and the objects that I can see beyond it will hit my retina. This is a fact. Ergo, I see them both at the same time. There is no reason why they cannot share x,y. Your argument hinges on the fact that if the nearer object is truly transparent then light coming from it can either be reflected off its surface, or unimpeded light from the distant object that has passed straight through the transparent nearer object, therefore one cannot see both objects. This is clearly untrue. One cannot see two photons passing through the same x,y in the nearer z at the same time, true, but doing so is not equivalent to perceiving objects. If the retina considered light passing through a green sheet of glass to be reflected light from that surface, explain why there is conservation of depth perception instead of the distant object appearing as a 2D planar image on the surface of the green glass. You can argue light physics all you like, but did it occur that maybe human perception does not operate on a per-photon-positional basis? If I am looking at an elephant, and there is a mouse in the way, I see the mouse and the elephant. I don't consider either to be invisible or non-existant just because there is a proportionally insignificant area of elephant obscured. There's no point making an inprecise proposal then arguing semantics for a few hours to prove it's true. Stop trolling.
  19. http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org
  20. That's why I put it in inverted commas. I really cba explaining the history of CS to cube.
  21. Well that comes as a complete shock.
  22. Gearbox produced the licensed mods for Blue Shift and Opposing Force. Counter Strike is another 'official' mod. They were not made by lone teenagers who cannot spell, they were made by software development teams. There are lots of other unofficial mods available for the Half Life engine because the publishers make the source code available.
  23. Poetry has no place in the scientific method. End of story. Any more claims that it can and I'll lock this thread too.
  24. "For the purposes of this model". Dark matter windows MrL?
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