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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Hmmm. I'm worried you might be confusing agenda with purpose. However, you're clearly smart enough to know the difference so you get the benefit of the doubt. What's the aim of the poll anyway?
  2. I doubt you collated all that information before you designed your poll.
  3. This really isn't something you can argue with.
  4. "FACTS" according to who?
  5. But you see, this is where it all falls over. "People's views" is not the same as "people's opinions on Saddam having WMD" or any of the other examples you used. It's like comparing the syllabus for a semester with a single lesson plan and saying they amount to the same course. Do you see where I'm coming from?
  6. By "there" I take it you mean "that country that isn't America"?
  7. You can't stick someone in a political pigeon hole just because they have a certain opinion about a single subject. This poll is ridiculous, as is the idea that somebody can not be apolitical.
  8. Give the man a cookie. And he didn't even need to mention conservation of momentum.
  9. To put it another way, the first time someone says to one of your freak kids "Look at that black cat over there", they're going to twig something's not right.
  10. If anybody says "it would create a paradox" they will be thrown into a pit and nibbled to death by rabid beavers. Just saying...
  11. Yes, other animals do display that behaviour. I'm pretty sure that was mentioned already but it may have been in another thread.
  12. His theories aren't yet developed enough to explain the dinosaurian temporal shift anomaly. Give him time damn you.
  13. On pain of being shot in the face? It's a good job certain people aren't here.
  14. Restored for all the right reasons
  15. You can fix these problems by changing the theory to "Time is a measurement of heat somewhere". If you want to see deliberate pseudscience, look for "Giant Squid Built the Nazca Lines", "Another Blow for Physics", "Dinosaurs alive and well" or Blike's rivetting epic, "Physics is WRONG".
  16. Hallelujah! It's ages since we had a proper PS thread.
  17. Surely a device designed to pressurise quickly so that it can descend to incredible oceanic depths rapidly would kill anyone who was inside it?
  18. Of course they don't you mad crazy fool. What are you suggesting? That Pixar are a capitalist company? Pish! They are fussy about whose money they take. IT'S ALL TRUE.
  19. Ring 'o rosies refers to the circular patterns of red welts caused by bubonic plague. The idea of a ritual of the infected is quite entertaining though Posies bit was accurate enough
  20. Why do you need to be open-minded to take in something as straightforward as this? It's not like the article reports on a zany Limey mission to collect moonbeams in a giant marmalade jar. And wtf has chaos theory got to do with ESA research missions?
  21. He doesn't mean there is no chance of a tenth planet, he means that there is no Nibiru - the planet with the exotic orbit that many f**king idiots, sorry, people believe is going to encounter Earth within the next year because it was on an episode of Dark Skies, which was cancelled and is therefore a conspiracy of truth. Also when he says the pole doesn't flip, it migrates - I think he just means to say it isn't a sudden change, it takes a while. Which is true. I wouldn't expect a reply from DocBill himself... you'll be waiting a while.
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