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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Indeed they do. Is this going to turn into a "demonstrate unoriginality" thread, or was that just on the remote chance I'd never heard of ThinkGeek?
  2. You mean since season 4 ended? My favourite thing about TV is the fact that you have to pay for SKY, which infers you have already paid for your TV license, yet SOMEHOW they have the nerve to run 18 minutes of adverts and trailers in every hour.
  3. The second film in a trilogy generally does have a "to be continued" ending. Plus the "Reloaded, Revolutions, May 2003, November 2003" trailers kind of gave it away a bit.
  4. "There are 10 types of people; Those who understand binary and those who don't."
  5. He may have hundreds of tiny, invisible imp-like spies
  6. That guy has issues. Does he still read the forums, despite not being able to post?
  7. It's an in-joke for about 4 people and would take too long to explain. Believe me you aren't missing much.
  8. Is that supposed to make me think he isn't trolling you for responses?
  9. Not after 2 years on PAGD, no. He's a troll. Ignore him faf.
  10. The film was not banned. Stanley Kubrick withdrew it himself because he was not happy with the anticipated response given the political climate at the time. The "banned" thing is just a school yard myth propagated by children with self esteem issues. I'm sure there are many people who would derive vicarious pleasure from such works, but to prevent their distribution in order to protect or control those too stupid to manage their own impulses would be to do society a greater diservice than we might imagine. Children should not be watching such films anyway. If a 14 year old watches A Clockwork Orange, then goes off and mimics the violence in the film, it's not the film's fault. It's the fault of the parent for allowing their child access to an 18 or R registred movie, and for not instilling some proper values and a sense of self in them.
  11. He's a troll then. Nobody can be that stupid without trying.
  12. I was under the impression "A Clockwork Orange" was written as a stark warning...?
  13. Sayonara


    I didn't read the header for that bit and it wasn't until I got to the lesbian part that I realised it wasn't you writing. Ha ha ha.
  14. Sayonara


    Do Donna's posts go that way because you get paid to be the poster boy for the "I Hate Boys" campaign, or is she one of your personalities? :spam:
  15. Star Wars approaches the problem through the slightly silly "accelerate to light speed and then we can punch through to hyperspace where relativity does not apply" route, which is a bit dubious. Star Trek had a slightly better solution (at least, once Okuda and Sternbach took over techy stuff). The warp field serves two functions: (i) Push the ship into subspace, a 'layer' that covers the same volume as normal space but... using less space. Yeah, I know. (ii) Shield the ship from the effects of relativity. This is handy because it allows FTL travel time without FTL travel, and allows energy weapons to be fired between ships at warp, etc etc. Problem is they never explained how it was meant to work, but assuming subspace (or something matching the description) exists, and we can find a way to evade relativistic effects, AND we don't destroy ourselves along the way, someone will figure it out eventually.
  16. We don't have the technology to get probes there. Most extrasolar planets (those outside this system) are massive gas giants detected through the gravitational relationship they have with their star. Search on http://news.bbc.co.uk and you'll find quite a few news articles. [edit - lol]
  17. Probably, but if we get to see your brains explode it will be worth the effort. [popcorn]
  18. I like Chocobos. They can run really fast without falling over, plus they are chewylicious.
  19. It would not surprise me at all if some complete idiot did try to harness a black hole under "controlled conditions" at some point in the next 100 years.
  20. Sayonara


    Odd. I was pruning too - might explain why it went weird though. Anyway I didn't actually say that I had pruned anything. And I did some by hand
  21. Sayonara


    If I missed any of his pr0n links please let me know incely, ta. I have banned him but I'm sure we'll have another idiot like that do exactly the same thing sooner or later. I'm just glad there's a "prune posts by username" feature.
  22. Sayonara

    young adults

    If you start fights and insult people's mothers you have to expect to face consequences at some point. The problem with discipline in schools and at home is that kids are not taught their actions will always have repurcussions. Instead they are taught that they will be accomodated in an ever-expanding range of ways, as long as they shout loud enough and push to the front of the queue.
  23. I got 130 on the BBC test. It's 24 points higher than the average Joe in this region so I can now feel validated in my sneering. I'm sure I can do better though. I found myself running out of time on some of the questions that should have been easy because... ahem... my attention drifted.
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