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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Sayonara


    It's only down when my cam client is FTPing the new image to the server.
  2. Sayonara


    On some planets they say my beauty is eternal. Might as well update my blog too.
  3. Sayonara


    Look quick look quick look! Happy now?
  4. There's enough "spare" gravitational pull beyond Pluto to account for a few dozen Earth-like planets.
  5. Where's the fun in that? :scratch:
  6. It means that 3D Studio MAX version 6 will be absolutely kick-ass.
  7. Sayonara


    Plagiarising on the web is absolutely inexcusable. Even if the site uses a frameset, finding the direct URL to the material you are referencing is EASY. Passing off somebody else's work or wisdom as your own is sad.
  8. Be righteous, do your school work and eat your greens.
  9. No he isn't. He's lying on a sun-lounger with his laptop in one hand and a koala daquiri in the other, laughing his ass off because he can successfully bait you even from Australia And he's probably not coming back so furious vengeance is pretty much futile. Ho ho ho.
  10. Individuals don't adapt to environments, species do. The idea that selection is a spontaneous reaction to adverse conditions among an elite subset of a population is a major misconception of selection process theory, and one of the things the thread was started in order to stamp out.
  11. For god's sake people, the word is ADEPT. Natural selection eventually leading to the extinction of a species does not make the selective process at the time it was made a 'bad thing' or a negative influence. The extinction event is brought about by a set of circumstances in which selection plays a role.
  12. Yes it does. That's the point.Changes in the habitat or ecology of the organism may make the adaptation useless later on, but that's not relevant to the effect at the time of the selection.
  13. Ha ha ha, hook line and sinker
  14. Chill out dude. Jeez. You're obviously considering spending some money on a machine, so don't you want to know who I think would be a good place to buy from?
  15. "Comapq" according to the poll - must be Korean or something. While Compaq make good machines when they want to, there are plenty of reasons why they aren't the best place to buy from, which was the actual question.
  16. Which one was it? The other one I got wrong was one of those crazy probability questions which I couldn't be bothered reverting to primitve fractions for... that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
  17. I thought this was an IQ test? It only tells you the percentage of answers you got correct. Anyway, if it helps I got 87.5% (2 incorrect answers). Some knowledge of what value a dime has would have helped, but then I'm not from the US so I don't care what crazy coins you people use.
  18. There's one in the body text too.
  19. Well there has to be a point between them putting the start button itself into the interface structure, and writing the code behind it. On the other hand it might be a cunning security feature.
  20. Exactly why do people need to stop asking what happened to Bin Laden? Now the US has busted his chops surely he's going to hate you even more? Don't you think it might be an idea to try harder rather than pretending you don't care any more? At least if Saddam proves difficult to find the same excuse can't be used.
  21. I will be interested to see then if a user successfully sues M$ for backdooring their system after they installed without 'agreeing' to the EULA. Mwuah-hah-haaaaah.
  22. If that precedent allows you to accept the EULA without reading it - and therefore without agreeing to be bound by it - then I wouldn't worry too much.
  23. Previously, EULAs were not of much concern. But if you read the XP EULA and/or the updated EULA with SP1 you might see why I was reluctant to install the O/S.
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