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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. http://www.ulrp.com/photos/small/bearhunt2_small.jpg Ha ha ha - anti-leaching my arse. I WIN!
  2. Yeah, hence the need for reverse-computation based on a PDP, a situation in which you already have an outcome as a frame of reference. Stupid spacetime and its trickiness.
  3. That would rather depend on the order of detail you needed, and how many alternations you wanted to map per event.
  4. If you mean mapping alternate reality pathways, predicting percentage chance of one path occuring instead of another, recording alternations between universes etc, then yes it would be possible to calculate assuming we could monitor all the factors. Unfortunately we can't, however if we had a way to create pre-destination paradoxes in a controlled environment we could at the very least get a baseline for future calculations.
  5. You are WRONG - see Star Trek: Voyager "Relativity" for irrefutable PROOF. J/k, obviously.
  6. Sayonara


    Yes, hence a great piece of film-making. I liked the montage sequences personally
  7. Anti-image leaching script ahoy?
  8. Sayonara


    :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: see the HAPPY BANANAS dance for the GardenGnome :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
  9. I wouldn't go as far as to say that study is useless - I'm sure it garnered plenty of valuable information - but it's certainly not strong enough evidence on which to base a massive change to an entire society. Point two, I agree. But you have to realise these things will still go on even if all drugs were globally legalised tomorrow. The fact that drugs are legal will not mean that people who need to steal in order to buy them will suddenly be solvent. Point three, uh-huh. Pre-emptive arguments probably work better on people who are arguing with you... :-p
  10. I understand all that. My point was that you inferred nicotine and alcohol being legal was reason enough for illicit drugs to be made legal, when it clearly isn't. Probably wasn't your intention, but there it is. We can't just assume that legalisation will drive use down. Studies such as the one you mentioned earlier, in which drug use in the US was compared with drug use in Holland, are inherently flawed. It would only be a scientifically valid comparison if the legal status of drugs in each country was the only difference. Cultural and sociological differences render the comparison invalid. I'm well aware of why people do those things, as you asked. It's not always drugs related, but you'd have to be pretty blinkered or naive to deny that the majority of it is drug related. Obviously the bulk of the events I have witnessed relating to this occur around where I live, so before you rule me wrong I suggest you come here and see for yourself. I've had the bums asking for money thing as well, many times. Here's a tip - ask them what they're going to buy with the money, then offer to get it for them. 9 out of 10 times they'll decline and ask for money again. Guess why? "-Not correlated to drug use, especially use of drugs over alcohol." What isn't correlated? Stop being 'non sequitur boy', you sound like my mum. I don't see why the location and conditions of manufacture of drugs will affect the need of lowlife scum to pay for their drugs by whatever means they see fit. Please do elaborate. Well (a) that wasn't my conclusion, I don't believe I made one in fact, and (b) I would dispute "proven". I think you have a nerve asking me to read how your conclusion was reached when you're putting words in my mouth and assuming the majority of my opinion. I may have said that "There is a difference between alcohol/tobacco users and illicit drug users, and there must always be the means to protect society from the latter", but if you have half a brain you will see that this does not mean I am against legalisation of drugs. Additionally, and this is very important, that paragraph was not a consequence of or conclusion to the rest of that post. The preceding paragraphs were an affirmation (aimed at RE) as to the difference between legal and illicit drug users. Stop reading your own counter-arguments into everything people write :rant:
  11. I don't see them as being irrelevant, I see them as being very much the heart of the issue. You haven't studied the issues for decades and you seem to be discussing them quite freely. Oh look, you got rid of that bit - I'll have to start again now...
  12. Well, I smoke and drink, and you don't see me breaking into people's houses and stealing their consumer goods to feed my habit. You don't see me hanging around outside the shops, bothering shoppers for small change even though I'm half cut. You don't see me stabbing pensioners for £3.46, or slicing teenagers throats so I can sell their mobile phone. Likewise I never heard of anyone having their family burned in their beds for not paying off their cig dealer, or having their ankles broken for skimming gin. There is a difference between alcohol/tobacco users and illicit drug users, and there must always be the means to protect society from the latter.
  13. Don't you mean "there is no valid reason for alcohol and nicotine to be legal while most drugs are illegal"?
  14. Sayonara


    It was imported into the flash movie as a gif. Hence, not the origin.
  15. Sayonara


    Yes, I've seen that. It's a fantastic piece of film-making.
  16. Sayonara


    You are clearly confused. The banana in that SWF has been imported and expanded as a GIF.
  17. Sayonara


  18. Sayonara


    All will bow down before the :banana: or feel its mighty wrathful vengeance!
  19. It's certainly possible to do, I'm just not sure why you would want to. If the PSU fails, both computers go. Why not just pay the extra £50/$85 for another PSU?
  20. Seeing as it's derived through computation I'd imagine only the 220 millionth digit is fudged.
  21. This may be of some help... http://www.extremeoverclocking.com/articles/guides/Power_Supply_Guide_1.html Or possibly not. Who can tell?
  22. Sayonara

    young adults

    Make them watch Battle Royale - it's a lovely little Japanese film that deals with unruly young people.
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