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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Well it would certainly stop the gamma from killing them.
  2. What you lot need are 1Mb connections at home
  3. I don't see why that would be any different to sending through an animate living person, other than the fact that your passenger would not experience any of the trip. A gamma ray is just as happy zipping through frozen tissue as it is living tissue, by the way.
  4. Sounds like you're on the drugs already...
  5. Before you go off starting to prove it by tearing holes in peoples' minds, you might want to maybe share your reasoning with us... Y'know, so when they finally lock you up at least we can tell them it was all in the name of science.
  6. Indeedy. "All monkeys are animals, therefore all animals are monkeys". And so forth
  7. That's easy: (1) Ensure room temperature is the same as the liquid nitrogen, or (2) Don't allow the nitrogen to expand. Either way though, you'd need a hell of a lot of shielding to protect you from the output of a black hole. I'd suggest some form of temporal shielding, with all the gadgets and doodahs inside the shield perimeter.
  8. 'Science' is built on consistent observations from duplicable conditions. Although all such data entities can be called statistics, the reverse is certainly not true.
  9. Maybe leaving his account as Moderator of the World isn't such a great idea...?
  10. "Putting all your eggs in one basket". Hurrah, a seasonal and appropriate phrase!
  11. I really don't recommend doing that, especially not with a 300w supply. I have a link somewhere for a great article on power supply stuff - I'll try and dig it out for you.
  12. Sayonara


    Anyone can make percentage rate changes look good. Most western countries, Japan and Aus have gun death rates below 100 people per year. The USA has about 10,000-12,000 per year. Clearly there is something wrong with this picture.
  13. Sayonara


    Do you think people 'get' that just because your right to own a gun is protected by the constitution, it doesn't make owning an assault rifle mandatory?
  15. Maybe we should stop bunging each other into arbitrary groups that are based on a single unifying opinion. I mean, Matzi is offended by this war but for all we know might be an ardent supporter of martial law. We don't know.
  16. Ummm... firing a phaser into someone's head isn't exactly 'not disturbing' them. But you're right Blike, this is a fascinating area. I think it mainly creates problems because most humans try to process cause-effect systems in a logical pattern, but relativity has a way of introducing parallel logicisms. Or does that make no sense?
  17. Yeah, sorry about the mess Blike Wasn't expecting so much collateral damage.
  18. \O/ Go Go Daisy Machine-Beating Powers! \O/
  19. How exactly would you have any member e-mail addresses?
  20. "Stomping" is bashing someone for their statements without backing up your own, as well you know. [edit] How about if - unlike on the last forums you 'left' - your account doesn't get deleted, then people from the next forum you land on can see what you're like.
  21. Once again, DocBill, you are the antagonist here, not the member you're stomping on. Do you really want to know where atm got his degrees? I couldn't care less because he could tell me anything and I'd have to take his word for it, just like I take your word for it that you have a BA in Theology or whatever it was. Stop acting like a spoiled child every time someone with links to sources or a rational argument disgarees with you - it's no way for a moderator to behave.
  22. Who's dating a fossil? DocBill or Blike? Is it Honor Blackman?
  23. Heh If you go here and scroll down to the bottom, there's a button marked "change avatar": http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/member.php?s=&action=editoptions If you click that it takes you to the avatar page, and there is a box near the bottom of that page that you can paste the image address into.
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