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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Proudly sponsored by the cretins, dontchaknow.
  2. Oh. Well then start being one.
  3. You're a mod. You can change it.
  4. The ET ships explanation is nice and all, but there are two ickle points. 1 - Scientifically credible sites that are trying to be serious don't use the word 'nuke'. 2 - In order to know any of this we would have had to capture and disect such vessels, and have proof of their origins and function.
  5. The Acropolis is really overdoing it. So is posting it in modern/theoretical physics.
  6. Baigligan has a good point. The resolution you'd get (assuming it all worked) would be pitifull.
  7. I said 'lack' of pigment. You are talking about 'absence' of pigment. See Blike's post for a more comprehensive description. If you still don't accept the argument, then simply replace "people with blue eyes" in my post to "people with red eyes". By your logic they are a disease that needs to be wiped out before they warp our children's fragile minds. Blike: I'm not sure what your asking. Clearly the genetics involved would determine the phenotype, thereby controlling the pigments that are expressed and the proportions in which they are present.
  8. I don't like to think what sort of precedents the Bush Administration will be setting by going ahead in the manner you described.
  9. And lots of it. http://pi.autopron.org/pi Enjoy.
  10. Sayonara


    Thread closed: Excessive smilation. </end inside joke> :lame:
  11. I'm sure I could come up with something sweet, but there's no way I'm giving away free bioweapons R&D on a public forum.
  12. Sayonara


    Depends what country you're in. Not that it matters seeing as they won't be traceable.
  13. Despite extensive research we still don't know where all the socks and biros go to die.
  14. Blue eyes are caused by a lack of pigmentation. This is due to a particular gene group. By your logic people with blue eyes are freaks, a disease. We shouldn't allow them on television or they will indoctrinate our children into their wicked paganistic ways.
  15. Well just so long as there's some sort of regulatory system at work and ACCOUNTABILITY WITHIN THE SYSTEM MISTER you've got my vote. Not that I can actually vote for anything in the US, of course.
  16. And now it's forever consigned to the place where all the laughter is silenced I vote it gets reposted for a few days every time a pseudogod pops up and starts prattling on about some crap \o/
  17. Well, I suppose it's close enough to Bulgaria for him to be able to buy glowing vodka.
  18. Does the fact that IQ tests give varying results, or that they are marked up differently based on national average get factored in there?
  19. I'd be more worried about your geography tbh
  20. Sayonara

    Rofl ++

  21. Sayonara


    If it is a proxy it's a very odd choice: http://www.geektools.com/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi?query=
  22. So if there are gay people posting in this thread that means you stop talking about it? [edit - can anyone guess where I'm going with this?]
  23. Sayonara


    Also, it would be good if someone could give me the e-mail addresses for ppl who sign up purely to spam. Then I can: 1) Ban the address from the forums I run, and 2) Send them 1000 randomly titled and addressed spams every second for a week.
  24. Sayonara


    'General' seems to take the most beating. I check in regularly from 8.00 GMT to 23.00 GMT so probably another 1 person US-side should be enough to cover it completely.
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