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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Oh Jesus. Someone PM me this guy's IP, I'm beginning to doubt he's in Bulgaria.
  2. Sayonara

    Rofl ++

    Some genius thought it would be a good idea if GD had no mods, just admins.
  3. Sayonara

    Rofl ++

    [edit] please delete this someone
  4. His argument wasn't that bad actually, but his complete lack of evidence let him down.
  5. This is just going in circles now. The question is not if we can, but whether we should. 'Some justification' doesn't look like it's going to be enough here. Most people in this thread are looking for a damned good reason why we should clone humans.
  6. I think he was actually being sarcastic on that occasion, which is paranormal in itself.
  7. Adam wrote to the CIA enclosing a self-addressed envelope and they told him everything. Do try to keep up.
  8. BTW: Thread: "Using gene therapy to eliminate stupidy" Ho ho ho.
  9. Rota system. On decimal time, just like the trains. Anyway who needs gene therapy to eliminate stupidity? Just give me a gun, lots of ammo, and some creative legal wrangling and I'll volunteer.
  10. If a gene or group of genes allow for a more effective organism, then the individuals with the genes are more likely to survive and therefore more likely to reproduce than those without the genes. This is the basis of selection. Random mutations in gene structure are a major contributor to more advantageous genes, although only a tiny percentage of mutations actually are advantageous.
  11. This isn't called Hundredth Monkey theory, it's called morphic resonance, and line of site between subjects is not required. The vast majority of research has been done using rats in mazes.
  12. He provided a stepwise logical argument as to why he believes machine domination is inevitable and a grim prospect. You haven't done the same for your opinion so you probably shouldn't presume to speak for anybody else.
  13. Sayonara


    Interesting idea. Does this mean that if everybody was able to reverse the perceptive process in their brain, that in effect time would be running backwards? That would be quite handy.
  14. There's a big difference between having a phobia of machines, and developing a rationally derived prediction for the future relationship between machines and humans. Especially since 'irrational' is a key component of the definition of 'phobia'.
  15. You sure that was on the sci fi channel? Sounds a bit Channel 5 to me.
  16. I worked in a nightclub for 4 years and I can safely say that women fighting each other is one of the most violent, vicious and relentless things that I've ever seen. I don't think being more emotive is really going to help a society get along without conflict. Incidentally I saw a lot more women fighting than men. If that didn't convince you: Bodacia.
  17. Plasma reaching millions of degrees within the MAST experimental reactor. China and the US are to co-operate in one of the most important research endeavours of our time - the search for a viable fusion process. Although extremely difficult and expensive to develop, this technology will harness the same processes carried out in stars to provide extremely cheap and clean energy. The fuels used are virtually inexhaustible. Deuterium and tritium are both isotopes of hydrogen. Deuterium is extracted from water and tritium is manufactured from a light metal, lithium, which is found all over the world. One kilogram would produce the same amount of energy as 10,000,000 kg of fossil fuel. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/2798197.stm
  18. I already explained it in the title of the thread you guys are trying to degrade me and my professor won't speak to me that is prrof that the SIBS made the planet and the sun and clothes and space.
  19. British Armed Forces on standy in the event of Gulf Mobilisation include: ARMY 26,000 troops including 1,400 paratroopers and the 7th Armoured Brigade. 14,000 additional ground troops on reserve. 120 Challenger II Battle Tanks 32 AS 90 self propelled guns and 18 light guns 150 Warrior APCs Support from 33 and 34 Field Hospitals, 4 General Support Medical Regiment, Royal Engineers, Royal Logistics Corps, 12 Engineer Brigade ROYAL NAVY HMS Ark Royal flagship, carrying Sea Harrier FA2 jump jets, RAF Harrier GR7 surface attack planes, Sea King helicopters and Merlin anti-submarine helicopters. Crew 1089. 4 type-42 Destroyers, the HMS Liverpool, HMS Edinburgh, and HMS York. HMS Cardiff is already in the Gulf as part of Operation Armilla. Anti-aircraft capability and Sea Dart medium range anti-air defence and anti-ship missile system, plus carries Lynx helicopters. Crew 300 each. HMS Marlborough Type 23 Duke Class frigate, with a crew of 185, is being sent. HMS Cumberland Type 22 Broadsword Class frigate is already in the Gulf as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. Crew 325. HMS Ocean Helicopter Carrier. Transporter for 800 men, artillery, vehicles and stores. Can also carry up to 12 Sea King or Merlin helicopters, plus six more Apaches, Gazelles or Lynx helicopters and four landing craft. Capable of carrying and operating Sea Harrier Aircraft. Crew of 800 including up to 480 Royal Marine Commandoes. 4,000 Royal Marines from 40 and 42 Commando of 3 Commando Brigade - some of the Navy's elite infantry no less. Additional support: Three landing ships, minesweepers, three fleet replenishment ships, one aviation training ship, one strike submarine and however many nuclear subs Tony sees fit to deploy. ROYAL AIR FORCE: 4 Jaguar fighter-bombers already stationed in Turkey. Deployment number not disclosed. 14 Tornado strike aircraft already in Gulf - 8 GR4s in Kuwait and 4 F3s in Saudi Arabia. Deployment number not disclosed. Two VC 10 transport/tanker aircraft. One Tristar tanker already in Bahrain. Deployment number not disclosed. An undisclosed - but probably large - number of Harrier multi-role combat aircraft. Up to four Canberra reconnaisance aircraft, unusual and valuable in that it can gather high quality images from up to 50,000 feet. Undisclosed number of Nimrod MR2 maritime patrol aircraft, used for anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare. Undisclosed number of Sentry E3D airborne command and control headquarters. Undisclosed number of Hercules C-130J and C-130K tactical transport aircraft. 20 Chinook helicopters and seven Puma helicopters deployed as the RAF element of the Joint Helicopter Command. I would say that's pretty good proof that: (a) Yes we do take terrorism seriously and know how to deal with it, thank-you very much Chris, and... (b) looks like we're more committed to sorting out your mess than you thought, faf.
  20. Why didn't you just post HI, I'M MR IGNORANT? FYI we have been fighting terrorism in Northern Ireland and on our own home soil for years, or have you not heard of the IRA? As for your views on what we do with our spare time.... well. With accurate information like that at your fingertips you're qualified to write a Simpsons episode.
  21. So did we, it was the 'in thing' at the time.
  22. I think he's moved on Zeo. Nobody here cares about gimmick accounts enough for it to be worthwhile
  23. I think the question was "Which is more probable, active partner in male-male couple infected or active partner in male-female couple infected?"
  24. Hurrah! That's more like it. I'll have a good look on my break. [edit] Uhhh... the link in that document points at the same file.
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