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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Sayonara


    Mr Robin Parsons is using a flawed argument. He says that time cannot exist in an infinity. I expect he bases this on the fact that an infinity is a theoretical concept with no beginning and no end. What he proposes is that since it has no dimensionality it cannot be measured or divided, however he fails to take into account that the arbitrary nature of our perception means we do this all the time. He also goes some way to contradicting himself when he says that we must exist 'within' an infinity, but time cannot. I don't know about him but I haven't seen anyone starting their life in the grave and de-aging towards the womb recently, which suggests to me that we are all part of the same 'flow' of time regardless of whether we are in an infinity or not. He can't prove that we live in an infinity, he can't prove that there cannot be time in an infinity (conceptually, mathematically, or even logically), and he can't prove that we even exist. I seriously hope there was someone on physicsforums.com who pointed this out to him. I can't begin to guess why he thinks we're in a temporal infinity. If you subscribe to creationism, God created everything. Therefore there was a beginning, therefore the cosmos is not infinite. If you subscribe to the Big Bang theory, then the entire universe was created in one event. Therefore there was a beginning, therefore the cosmos is not infinite.
  2. Please don't tell me that's on a shared C: folder. Couldn't see the document BTW. The http protocol doesn't like spaces in filenames or port numbers in URIs.
  3. The only people who should be embarrassed here are the media, who clearly either know nothing about the scientific method or the physics they are alledgedly reporting on, or just don't care as long as they sell papers.
  4. Sayonara


    Professor Moriarty, "Ship in a Bottle".
  5. Well that's funny, because it was posted today and I didn't see it anywhere on any US news sites other than the one Blike posted, and that was with some interpretation of the text.
  6. I'm not talking about dates. I'm talking about the fact that the leader of the UK - America's most supportive ally in this 'war' - is phoning around trying to get people to come to the USA's party. But apparently only foxnews.com cares enough to mention it. Am I the only one who thinks it's odd that support of that kind wouldn't be plastered all over the news?
  7. UK Unveils 'timetable to war'. Strangely there's no sign of this on the US news sites I looked at. In fact the lead Iraq stories on US sites are from last thursday/friday.
  8. Sayonara


    I have a bad feeling about this* *[/Leia]
  9. RICHARD DAWKINS ALERT Don't people read any more?
  10. Fixed your post for you. Mammoths would affect whatever ecosystem we dumped them in, but they'd make no impact any worse than that which would have been made by all the elephants man has butchered over the decades.
  11. Sayonara


    It's probably a good idea to try and work out what time is before you decide to consider it an illusion. Occam's Razor... multiplicity isn't desirable... hint hint. If you are going to cannonball ahead and decide it's an illusion based on no evidence whatsoever, at least provide some idea as to how and why that illusion exists.
  12. So we've cracked it then. Latitude makes you black.
  13. I think he means "what gives us the right to decide that an extinct animal should be brought back into existence". But of course if you were religious and pro-cloning (an odd combination) you would just use the "dominion over all animals" bit from Genesis as if it were some sort of credible argument..,
  14. Write them a strongly-worded letter then.
  15. If that's your whole argument it's not a very good one. The UN are more likely to be able to handle a breach of their resolution and the subsequent invigilation than you are.
  16. If they haven't even started by then I doubt even he would be that gullible. Although I'm sure he'd like to avoid a war as much as the rest of the people in countries that are actually near Iraq and may be affected.
  17. OK... So what's the problem? It's Feb 22nd. If they are still there on March 1st (and in all likelihood they will be) Blix will tell the US to go ahead.
  18. Blix told Iraq to destroy their al-Samoud missiles, or the UN would recommend attacking Iraq to the USA and its allies. This was a week or so after he told the USA there was no need to invade Iraq, and they said "lalalaalalalalalalalala can't hear you lalalaalalaala". The USA is probably going to attack anyway, and Iraq knows this. So of course they haven't destroyed them. Would you?
  19. Ever since the SIBs came to Slaughter Engineering over four years ago, they have continued to present to us astonishing information about themselves and the Universe they are creating -- and NOW THIS perhaps the most spectacular, unusual and helpful to all of Mankind -- THE SIB'S MASTER PLAN FOR EARTH (Part 1). We received this astonishing SIBRAY on the fourth anniversary of our historic contact from the SIBs but due to the near constant harassing, tormenting and destruction by the extremely rotten BUSHized elements of the U S Government, our interpretation of all parts of it's hundreds -- or even thousands -- of meanings is limited at this time. However, we can shed some light on certain of the elements of THE SIB'S MASTER PLAN FOR EARTH here
  20. I heard that if they turn up to work with creases in the wrong place he hits them on the knuckles with a wooden ruler. If they speak out of place they have to stand in the corner for an hour. They'll jump at the chance to overthrow that monster.
  21. And yet gorillas live in the jungley shade. How strange.
  22. I just ordered one of these babies: http://prices.cclcomputers.co.uk/specs/cooler/zalman/socketa.htm Quiet and efficient
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