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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Sayonara


    Good God man, it's horrible
  2. Sayonara


    Hurrah! Just what I was going for. kinda.... bloggy. The old DNS records have been wiped as I'm moving the site between servers - the domain will be working with the new site in about a day or two, although the new URL posted above will still work as it's direct to a copied directory. Etc.
  3. Welcome to the magical fun of experimental design
  4. If space.com have forums there may be bright sparks there who have thought of it. Remember NASA is the agency that suggested a moon base without micrometeor defences.
  5. You might have 9 freaks in one set but only 3 in the other. Amphibians are loose and easy with their genes.
  6. If it were me, and I was testing the offspring of frog mating couples in different areas, I'd want to use at least 50 couples and ensure there was no amphibian infidelity in either group. So potentially 1 million offspring to check. hohoho.
  7. 10,000 is a very good sample set, but not if they are all second generation from the same parent. Looks like you're going to have a lot of counting to do, even taking infant mortality into account.
  8. We still haven't got around the problem of keeping the atmosphere in place. Without a stable magnetic field sufficient to deflect the solar wind it will be torn away faster than we can produce it. BTW - why is this in pseudoscience? Surely it's Astophysics?
  9. This usually means there is no default or index page, probably no site there. However a simple net trace shows the domain is still registered and hosted, although apart from pointing to NewPower.Org no registrant's details are recorded. The host is http://www.Zenon.net - email them and ask what happened to the site. Although I should warn you they're based in Moscow, so you'll want this URL http://www.zenon.net/en.html
  10. Back on topic: I found this highly entertaining: That Tony is such a war-monger. (Notice what I did there - he's the leader of my country, but I didn't pretend he said something else.) It's all here: http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/spages/263923.html I'd like to know how attacking countries suddenly and killing off probably a lot more civilians than terrorists is legitimate warfare, and not in fact terrorism. This might help:
  11. Firstly, a caution. If you post offensive derogatory remarks like that again I will delete the post without any warning. LuTze has reported your post but since I do in fact know him in RL I am forwarding the complaint to fafalone to preclude the possibility of bias. It's ironic that you should fall back on mud-flinging and personal attacks immediately after LutZe posted, because the presence of morons like you here is - I believe - one of the reasons he didn't want to join. I understand you incensed him enough to take action. He said something about "A 20 year old who can't spell shouldn't be allowed opinions on important issues."
  12. To quote Troy McClure: "You got all that from one bag of oranges?" <slap> I stated right at the start of that post that it was going to be an objective review. If you feel that you were needlessly trampled over it's probably because you posted the most stupid things, not because I don't like you or have deep personal issues as you seem to be suggesting.
  13. You'll be a troll then. Stop posting crap please - you demonstrated in the Biology forum that you can put together a coherent post, and I expect the same here. [edit] Johnny Rotten AKA john Lydon - might as well be. Have you heard him lately?
  14. I've been reading through this thread from the start and there is a lot of ignorance in it, as well as a whole load of half-truths and misconceptions. I have attempted to summarise the main points raised in the thread, leaving out the drivel and the off-topic posts, as well as some posts that have been adequately dealt with already. I know a lot of this will sound like country bashing or member bashing so I have tried my best to remain objective. It's inevitable that some people will object to hearing certain things about where they live or who leads them. Here's my non-comedy round up: Actually, no you don't. The Israel-Palestine conflict has nothing to do with the USA and neither does the India-Pakistan conflict. India and Pakistan, contrary to whatever America might believe, aren't actually stupid enough to nuke each other. Some parts of Africa might not be paradise but it's a huge and varied continent and it needs US troops piling into it about as much as the US needs a whole new family of pissed-off foreign terrorists. As far as North Korea goes, they may be a hilariously dictatorial regime with revisionist history and overinflated self-importance (sound familiar?), but they can't take on the world themselves. Why should anyone try to contain them? There's not a lot they can do even with nukes. Why does the US feel it has the right to preclude expansion of another culture anyway? That's an ecological process called resource partitioning, and it basically translates to "we're going to ensure our survival by curbing your efforts to thrive". "(not exact)" might as well say "I don't know and can't be bothered checking". Incidentally, 'England' should read 'The United Kingdom of Great Britain', or the UK or GB for short. Saying England is a member of the UN is retarded in the same way that claiming Mexico represents the Americas is retarded - it's non-inclusive. What, you mean vetoing like when the US vetoed a UN resolution designed to protect UN staff, most of whom were British? http://english.pravda.ru/usa/2002/12/21/41153.html Because FRANCE VETOED THE USA http://iafrica.com/news/worldnews/208188.htm so I guess you were wrong about that. Even Belgium vetoed that one, for crying out loud. You must think a lot of the US if you don't believe the rest of the world would dare say "hang on a minute...".What I find telling is that a search on google for "UN vetoes against the USA" returns more than 2700 results, most of which are actually the USA vetoing UN resolutions that don't serve its interests directly. Not true. It's a council. They use these things called "votes", and unlike the weird democracy the US favours the current rate of exchange is 1 vote = 1 vote. Not a lot of Nazis in Japan in WWII. In point of fact Kamikaze pilots were in the minority as the caste and role was an honoured one that not any old Joe (or Akira) could fill. The reason the Japanese kept fighting was because they had never had experience of losing a war before and did not know how to back out honourably. Knowing something about Japanese culture would probably be an advantage if you wish to discuss them as a people or spell their name correctly. Geography alert! The Middle East is a lot bigger than you think and incorporates a lot of countries you've probably never heard of. For the most part they are stable, economically sound and West-friendly, and the presence of a rogue dictator in one country does not mean that they are all 'evil'. Saudi Arabia for instance only takes issue with the US because of the number of times the US has screwed them over for oil trade rights. The issue of terrorism cannot and will not be resolved. As long as you have people who are facing the extinction of their ideals in the face of a superior naked force, there will be terrorism. Anyone can make a bomb. A small amount of research will explain why. I think you'll be surprised. Most likely true, but scarily, Bush probably does mean it. He's a Born Again Christian. True, except that North Korea didn't disobey the treaty - they withdrew from it, and have every right to do so. Self determination is a right of all sovereign countries, whether you agree with the way they are ruled or not. Assist you? Do you even know why the US supports the South? That shouldn't be too difficult to establish. The US keeps detailed files on the dictators they put into office. Don't hold out for hydrogen cars. Where do you think the energy will come from to distill, compress, store and transport all that hydrogen? I have to say I agree. They don't have any. Where did this startling intel come from? Our survey said: 1 out of 3 isn't bad. Just like the anyone with those capabilities. So? The first bit was right - Asian culture is complex. China and Japan are getting involved, or have done since you wrote that. You see, their response was reasoned and thought out, and therefore took time to formulate. When you say that the US needs to police the world you are flatly contradicting what you just said about Korea. Decide. Excluding weapon transit periods, the total time required to plan and execute the US-led sterilisation of Iraq would be about 60 minutes. Unlikely. According to the "Glorious Leaders" of the North, the South is an evil force held back from invading the northern utopia by sheer will of the government alone. WWII did not happen, and the west are evil aggressors. We know this to be revisionist dogma, but the N. Koreans positively chant it. He has no nukes.
  15. You're either a troll or an idiot. Either way, you really didn't need to state that you were still in school.
  16. Wall Street Journal February 14, 2003 From 1974, under then-Prime Minister Jacques Chirac, France sold Iraq arms and nuclear technology; in the 1970s and 1980s, France became Iraq's third-largest supplier of weapons after the Soviet Union and China, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Mr. Chirac also agreed with Mr. Hussein to deliver a 40-megawatt nuclear research reactor and 12.5 kilograms of uranium-235. Israel destroyed the reactor in a bombing raid in 1981, fearing Iraq would use it to develop nuclear weapons. Germany's arms sales to Iraq were smaller and consisted mainly of helicopters. But Germany was one of Iraq's sources of technology and materials for chemical and biological weapons programs, says Jean Pascal Zanders, head of chemical and biological warfare research at the Stockholm institute. But the U.S. was also supplying arms to Iraq during the 1980s, delivering 117 Bell, Hughes and other helicopters to the Iraqi Air Force. These are thought to have been used in the Iraq-Iran war, during which the U.S. also gave Iraq real-time satellite intelligence of the battlefield. U.S. companies supplied Iraq with pathogens and specialist equipment that was used to develop chemical and biological weapons, according to the Stockholm institute.
  17. No they aren't. Or it would, if terrorists hung around in big groups holding up signs that said "bomb here pls, ta". D-, More thought required.
  18. It's all very well calling rational people 'leftists' when your political system doesn't even apply to them (well, actually strictly it isn't), but the current US strategy for dealing with terrorism leaves a lot to be desired. Blanket bombing a city might kill a lot of the terrorists there, perhaps even all of them. But the survivors will hate the US more, as will citizens from other cities and perhaps even other countries. Even if you killed all the known terrorists in the world tomorrow, the fact remains that anybody can make a bomb, and anyone who feels their beliefs, faith, culture, rights or future threatened may well be prepared to use such a device. America has painted itself into a corner. Previous administrations have kicked over anthills all around the world, and the current government continues this trend. The result is that America as a whole is tarnished with the image of an international bully. This is barely deserved, and no fault of yours, the American people, unless one cites responsibility of the electorate which I feel in this situation would be unhelpful. Rather than lashing out at your level-headed allies whose aims are to prevent the US administration from making an even bigger mess, it would be in everyone's interests for the US to take a step back and consider why it's a terrorist target. It's not like this has sprung up suddenly and everyone's confused.
  19. Sayonara

    i hate xp

    That'll teach you to use XP. Win2K or Linux. Don't compromise, don't sell out.
  20. Sayonara


    Yes I need to sort out the splash movie I thought the prospect of suffering eternal Spice Girls music would put off code thieves so let's hope they live up to their reputation.
  21. Sayonara


    Redesigning my homepage... any thoughts before I do tonnes more work? [edit] New site is now http://www.sayonara.info Old site now archived at http://www.workaphobe.com/sayonara/ [/edit] Cheers chaps.
  22. Same principle applies. Calling people racist without backing it up is just as bad as me calling you a Dago or a Guinea without any good reason (although I'm fairly certain there would never be a good enough reason for me to call you those names, as outdated as they are!) [edit] I rather thought that most Australians were caucasians.
  23. If you're going to go so far as to call people racist, you would do well to explain why you think that is so. Otherwise there's nothing stopping me from calling you an Aussie Convict, and this thread would just deteriorate into name calling.
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