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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. http://forums.researchersforum.gov.uk/showthread.php?threadid=299 A member of my immediate family worked for the DTi, and I can tell you now they will not appreciate you posting that there.
  2. There are no discrepencies surrounding the pyramids that cannot be adequately explained without aliens, and we know who built the Moai on Rapa Nui (Easter Island to you), and when, and why. Further embellishment is just wishful thinking. As a side note, anybody who tells you that the Giza Pyramids line up with Orion's Belt hasn't looked at the maths.
  3. Maybe that's not what aman meant when he said 'get plenty of English'
  4. Sayonara


    http://www.faceparty.com ~900,000 members, most of them now very pissed off.
  5. Sayonara

    Rofl ++

    Hahaha. I got to post this before Rad and MrL. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2910059963&category=1469 Behold the might of the amazing $15,000 rude carrot.
  6. Sayonara


    I just went to faceparty's front page, and their main banner ad wouldn't load. But wait..... get this... It keeps throwing up a network logon dialogue! Bwaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! I wonder if they know yet? :D
  7. I think you should read the ether thread. As a point of scientific historical interest, the first bulbs did not contain vacuums, as it was not possible to create a full vacuum in a glass bulb at the time.
  8. I imagine they squeezed it in here somewhere: http://www.bbc.co.uk/cgi-perl/whatson/prog_parse.cgi?FILENAME=20030213/20030213_1930_4224_55218_30 [edit - the link no longer works, but this pointed to the TV schedules for the BBC. In particular, an episode of "What the Victorians Did for Us" dealing with some zany contraptions] Although with all that comparably credible Victorian science and engineering ingenuity in there it probably won't get much airtime.
  9. Ether-filled lightbulbs would be quite funny.
  10. He did post it in the right place then. I wouldn't bother having this argument again, it failed to sink in with two people like him and I don't see anything new about his modus operandi. Why waste the energy?
  11. Actually there is no vacuum in light bulbs. They are filled with inert gases, usually a nitrogen/argon mix.
  12. I'm not convinced it's such a good idea to use a totally introverted group of clones as ambassadors to represent our species throughout the galaxy.
  13. I think someone just needs a cuddle. <hugs>
  14. It would not be like watching twins play chess exactly. It would be an opportunity to study environmental and social factors affecting development of genetically identical entities without the interference of those pesky drifts and twin-do-better syndrome.
  15. So you're just assuming that's correct? If you don't believe that could have happened due to the lack of 'space' between the points, and therefore their lack of attributes defining them as separate points, why assume that's what happened?
  16. I don't know of any robot or high-tech machine that can do what people do, clones or otherwise. Unless you consider chess supercomputers, but in that case I think a human playing against their clone would be scientifically far more rewarding than Kasparov Vs Deep Blue Mk 36.
  17. Indeed. And some people would doubtless not bother with the minor inconvenience of permission.
  18. Everything 'in' it when the universe began is still contained in the universe. Mind you, it does depend on how you look at 'in' I suppose. Moral of the story: don't bother travelling, it's all on your doorstep.
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