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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Assuming you aren't being tongue-in-cheek, I'd love to watch someone try to enforce that on any large scale.
  2. It would still be dull. If you can get to the edge of the universe and beyond, then by default you are travelling faster than anything in the universe. So nothing else would have got 'out there' yet.
  3. A good question, but there are a lot of shades of grey to consider. For instance, are you proposing that any human cloning should not be accepted at all, or is vital research into tissue reproduction for medical reasons going to be allowed? What is the moral basis for deciding either way? Applying one set of moral beliefs from one culture to practices conducted in a different culture is generally not recommended. Who gets to decide whether different forms of cloning are 'right' or 'wrong'?
  4. If you flew into it a few billion years ago, then it might be interesting. I interpreted your question as "what if we launched a ship tomorrow and flew out of the universe". If it were me I'd take some magazines.
  5. Can we please have a "1 strike and you're out" rule for the use of the phrase "..I heard that..." anywhere on the boards? People who can't use Google to demonstrate a point are clearly subhuman and have no rights. (j/k lilbabynushi - welcome to the boards )
  6. To get back to the original thread, it's called "nullity". Or if you prefer a catchier name, unspace. A bit like subspace - but less roomy®.
  7. Let more people wear it until stainy finger syndrome is shown to be a freakishly uncommon occurence.
  8. I have to say the title of this thread is disappointingly misleading.
  9. No it couldn't. It would make people easier to hit - you'd just have to aim in the general direction of the gaggle of Japanese technicians dragging a load of equipment around after a flourescent soldier.
  10. Whoops. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/2732487.stm
  11. I can see how the "don't worry, we'll always be able to fix it afterwards" excuse might preclude conservation attempts, but surely cloning a viable population back into existence will always be more difficult than conserving one that already exists. Stupid humans and their short-term gains philosophy
  12. Sorry, I just thought that was really funny.
  13. A new ultra-low reflection substance has been developed for use in space telescopes. Apparently it is 10-20 times less reflective than matt black paint. "It's the blackest surface commercially available," [Dr Richard Brown] told BBC News Online. "It's a very interesting surface to look at because it's so black." Well duh. The coating is made of an alloy of nickel and phosphorus pitted with tiny curved craters which absorb light. Link here (here's another link with some more detail and a photo)
  14. Presumably you mean this, seeing as it's the only film known to IMDb by that name: http://us.imdb.com/Title?0344503
  15. PHP is fairly simple once you get the concepts nailed. Last time I checked vBulletin (two weeks ago) they appeared to have discontinued their free package
  16. If you want one for a very small number of posters, you can use a server-side script such as ASP or PHP to read and write from text files. You can even make a flash interface for it. However, that won't be very secure, plus it will be slow with limited functionality. What you really need is a database-driven forum like this one, again using a server-side language. If you haven't written server-side scripts before - or if you don't want a forum with special custom features - you can download a free ready made forum from http://www.phpbb.com or a similar provider. However, I wouldn't recommend using their code as an example of how to write your own forum as it's very complex due to the 'templates' feature they provide. If you want more help let me know
  17. My bad - I turned off embedded images in my options and forgot. I may turn it back on - stonking great <H1> text links are worse than images.
  18. Latest update is a new site from his brother: Linkage is here http://www.workaphobe.com/archive.asp?UID=166
  19. There might be something here http://pages.sbcglobal.net/oea/ripper.html but I can't check it as the stupid content filter at work is blocking the page, because apparently it's all about sex. Which it isn't.
  20. Pogo, when I said "quit whining", I was making with the funny. I have serious doubts the missile shield will work anyway so I wouldn't worry about where this particular detection station is positioned. What is going on with news item images?
  21. We don't get anything from it. At least, nothing the Government would admit to. And the reason it's us is because we're one of the few countries prepared to make ourselves into a huge target on behalf of our allies, the USA. So quit whining.
  22. A live person is not likely to co-operate with a jaw donation.
  23. Most inexcusable misuse of CGI in a recent movie award goes to... The Licker in "Resident Evil".
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