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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Sayonara


    Regardless of which, the orbit described in the image Adam posted would need to be highly exotic, describing a pattern such as that which might be achieved with a spirograph as the orbit of the planet followed Earth's own trajectory. Why this planet should orbit both Earth and the sun requires, I suspect, some very nimble reasoning.
  2. Sayonara


    If you're bored, why not go somewhere where they don't insist on being scientific all the time.
  3. Sayonara


    I respect people who understand and apply scientific principles, and who use that to back up their claims. Unfortunately this precludes you.
  4. Sayonara


    And the source of the image? Why, it's http://www.poleshiftprepare.com/px_orbit.GIF You, Sir, are a liar. So don't speak to me about respect.
  5. Sayonara


    Of course he won't. Check out this page from one of the sites he's been using as a "Source": http://www.poleshiftprepare.com/survivalgroups.htm Apparently sitting in a tent somewhere high up keeps you safe from the solar radiation and firestorms caused by a polar shift. I didn't know that.
  6. Sayonara


    Well, that remains to be seen. What I suggest is that you post your theory again in this thread, but this time all in one ordered and structured form, making any modifications you see fit based on what we've already talked about. Kind of a summary. That way we will all know where we've got to - it'll make the discussion a lot easier.
  7. Sayonara


    A 1 on 1 argument? The only way you're going to win this is if you keep ignoring the science behind why you are wrong - much like you have been doing all along. As long as you use that strategy it doesn't matter how many people post here in this public discussion.
  8. Sayonara


    Does this look familiar? http://www.zetatalk.com/theword/tword03m.htm
  9. Sayonara


    Right. And it still won't be close enough to see in February unless you have an IR filter?
  10. Sayonara


    You said it was 4 times the size of Earth, the same size as Jupiter (although that doesn't make sense I take it to mean this is one big planet). You also said it was recorded in the bible. So why now do we need IR technology to see it?
  11. Sayonara


    Why with an infra-red filter?
  12. Sayonara


    There was no pole shift.
  13. Sayonara


    (1) We have already established there was no polar shift 3,600 years ago. End of debate. (2) If you locate Mt Ararat on a map (if you even have one) you will see why "TIDAL WAVES!!!" is such a ridiculous statement.
  14. Sayonara


    Now you're just talking crap. I have given you cause and effect, based on observed, quantifiable and actual mechanisms. You on the other hand are dragging together random statements based on a premise you have no evidence for. Give it up. Your theory needs a lot of work.
  15. Sayonara


    I have read The book of Revelation. You fail to understand my point. If even the melting of the ice caps could not flood the area in question, where did the water come from?
  16. Sayonara


    'Twas the work of the good lord above.
  17. Aww crap. Well I'm being ordered to get into the Red Alert 2 arena for battleness. Nick is 'fudg0r' if anyone wants to join us.
  18. He's a verb now? RE Zarkoved you how?
  19. Hahaha. No-one to blame but themselves. Depends whether or not you survive, obviously.
  20. Oh yeah. Maybe it was Radical.
  21. I did wonder about that. Looks like Jinx did you two favours, at least.
  22. I challenge you to duplicate those conditions in your home. I'll set up the website and host the live webcam streaming mounts, you create and attempt to control the carnage. Profit.
  23. We're both members on the Planetarion forum. If you look at our reg dates here, they're the same day - cos we followed the same link in a thread there.
  24. As long as there are blinky lights and lots of wires...
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