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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. You'll probably need to use NetWare or something even more primitive. They did it in my school so I know it works.
  2. No, they really are. They remind me of poo with a keyboard on. Although with some clever and ironic mods you might impress me.
  3. Acorns are the bum-spawn of satan.
  4. Stranger things have happened. I once had a female rabbit that kept trying to hump a female cat.
  5. You should probably read the installation guide...
  6. How mutually convenient. I just went downstairs and found a 1 Mb cable modem plugged into the supply. \o/
  7. It's either/or buster (intended target dependent).
  8. I don't know why I bothered with a hypothetical actually, I mean you were sneaking about being all invisible and stuff. Ice cream or nuke. YOU MUST DECIDE!
  9. I wouldn't trust you with a nuke. I'd trust you to look after my ice-cream while I tied my shoe laces though.
  10. It's the stigma of (PA)GD, obviously.
  11. \o/ Hurrah! Someone trustworthy. Ish. I am so Bored
  12. There are 2 users online, only I am named. Who's the invisible person? :scratch:
  13. Sayonara


    That's still in the news section in fact. The Antarctic ice cap is continental - it's on land. If it all melted, mean ocean level would rise about 16 feet. This is not sufficient to cause a Biblical flood. You might also consider the following: If the great flood covered everything, why was Mount Ararat the first thing to appear as the water drained? Its peak is by no means the highest point on Earth. Answer: Because the flood was a story put together by fallible humans, probably from various accounts of several floods, and the friendly local Mount Ararat was the biggest thing they knew of.
  14. The official concensus currently has him down as 33% drop-outish. How is this forum going to be organised? Simply for discussing education, or disseminating it too?
  15. Sayonara


    I don't think being denied information is one of your problems. In fact I'd feel better if you didn't have so much free information at your fingertips.
  16. Sayonara


    Having seen Maria in action, I'm prepared to not immediately assume that all psychic claimants are fakers. But I'm not going to just assume things about them and then create elaborate conjectural systems in my head and start ramming them down peoples' throats.
  17. Actually that's really catchy.And it's a great argument. I bet gay people everywhere read that and decide it's time to stop being so darned gay, and go straight rather than burn in hell. Can you get T-shirts with that slogan on? I want to buy one so I can proudly wear it around town.
  18. Bureacracy is internationally recognised.
  19. Sayonara

    Bug Breath

    So I now concur with faf.
  20. There's no reason why only one level should be supported.
  21. Sayonara


    Maybe a certain person has been leaking too many CIA secrets, and Dubya's here for revenge.
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