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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Who are you talking to and why are you bringing empathy into this?
  2. Many marine animals have EM sensory capabilities, and we came from the sea. Go figure
  3. Sayonara


    Am I the official Troll Eater and General Debunker yet?
  4. Writing something down does not make it true.
  5. I'd also like to point out that the proposed abilities here are telepathic, not psychic.
  6. How about the source? http://www.firedocs.com/remoteviewing/answers/crvmanual/crvmanual-07.html
  7. This manual is a direct cut-and-paste job from here: http://www.firedocs.com/remoteviewing/'>http://www.firedocs.com/remoteviewing/answers/crvmanual/crvmanual-03.html'>http://www.firedocs.com/remoteviewing/'>http://www.firedocs.com/remoteviewing/answers/crvmanual/crvmanual-03.html http://www.firedocs.com/remoteviewing/'>http://www.firedocs.com/remoteviewing/ http://www.firedocs.com/
  8. OK then I shall. You stated that people using the ether to spy on each other psychically could detect each other. Any nation using such persons as a part of their military or intelligence network could not on the one hand accept from their agents evidence of activities in other countries, yet on the other hand dismiss evidence of similar attacks against themselves. Since you also stated that information on this programme is freely available, there would be no domestic political mechanism preventing action being launched based on such information, treaties or no treaties. In fact, 'no treaties works' better.
  9. Sayonara


    "Wormwood", which incidentaly is "Chernobyl" in Russian. There's some fuel for the crazy fire. I would like to know how you established that this unnamed planet which has not been observed, and the comet mentioned in the bible (which is hardly the most accurate historical document written) are one and the same thing. And it would be nice if you could actually address the question. Saying "Almost every culture, I'm not sure if all" is not sufficient. Cite your references or don't mention it at all.
  10. Sayonara


    It's not a viewpoint, it's fact. Every now and then the Earth's core does a bit of a backflip and the magnetic field of the planet changes polarity for a few hundred years. The change can leave the planet without any magnetic field at all for several years at a time. You can see the signature of these events in the magnetic strips on the ocean floor, which are formed by plate movement over the years and have been mapped by sattelite. Without a magnetic field, the planet is vulnerable to all the lovely intense radiation in the solar wind. Not a lot can escape bombardment by this radiation, and previous events charted by the patterns on the ocean bed corrolate with past extinction events. There was no extinction event 3600 years ago, because there was no flip. Afaik, the last flip was around 30,000 years ago and DID match up with widespread and sudden extinctions. Google for more info.
  11. Sayonara


    The only evidence needed to disprove the planet-magnet-flipper idea.
  12. Using "psychics" to spy on other nations would be an act of war, Adam. Hence domestic "psychic" surveillance, if any.
  13. Sayonara


    If there was a planet that came close to Earth every 3600 years it would appear in the written and oral histories of dozens of cultures, at least 3 times.
  14. Just use the same thread dude!
  15. Any such programme would be conducted by the NSA, not the CIA. I might just be a mere citizen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain but I still know what the offices of the United States actually do.
  16. Sayonara


    The sad thing is you'll probably get an answer for that.
  17. Oh I see. (don't forget all the other threads )
  18. We're being nice in here. Are you in the right thread?
  19. The material you have provided is interesting, but would be of more use if you could give us links to the sources. I'm still at work - Can't exactly read thru all that without anyone noticing. Roll on hometime :-( :zzz: :zzz:
  20. Sayonara


    You don't need them - the principle remains the same regardless of relative volumes. Ever wonder why ice expands, even though it's a solid of water? Ever wondered why they say 6/7 of an iceberg is always below water? Ever thought there might be a corrolation? Just do the experiment I described and you will see. This is how you derive actual results - by experimentation.
  21. Sayonara


    Not sure who you're asking, but I'll reserve my comments on the 'arc' until we have your whole theory. As it stands it is a couple of tenuously linked ideas, nothing more. "There is this boat-shaped thing that actually looks more like a preserved Viking enclosure, and I take this to mean that aliens warned Noah about floods caused by a rogue planet that thousands of astronomers keep missing." See how a lack of adequate explaination could result in people not taking you seriously? When we ask for evidence, or about a specific detail, we want an answer so we can build a model in our heads of what you're talking about. What we don't want is more pontificating and waffle about a new and spurious element.
  22. Sayonara


    This is truly amazing. You come up with a grand idea about something that might have happened thousands of years ago, offer no evidence other than your own narrative, accuse established theories of being "cover ups" and yet you fall into the same pit as all the other pseudoscientists who have graced these boards. You fail to understand even the most basic scientific principles that determine the plausability of your theory. The North polar ice-cap is non-continental. It's floating. It's essentially a big iceberg. If it melted ocean levels would not change one bit.
  23. Sayonara


    I have heard of it, I simply give it no credit. Without any evidence or sources, the idea is useless. It doesn't matter how much 'sense' it makes to you, the subjectivity of this statement aside. Me claiming that the remains of the arc prove the existence of a planetary custard ocean that was carried here by Jupiter dragons is just as valid a speculation. Anyhoo, still interested in hearing about the floodiness.
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