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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. The reason most people who say they have seen a UFO get disregarded is not because of the X-Files, it's because they are usually a bit nuts. If I were going to tell people I had seen a UFO, and had no compelling evidence, I'd reconsider. Anyway, as I said, I am going to read all of that when I get home so I'll get back to you on this one
  2. Sayonara


    The poles do flip magnetically, but it has not happened for tens of thousands of years. Had it happened 3,600 years ago, there would be nothing on the planet right now more sophisticated than a simple bacterium. You can observe the history of polar magnetic disturbances in the magnetic patterns of the ocean bed. There is no evidence that proximity of a planet to small to easily spot would cause Earth's field to change at all, never mind flip. There is also no evidence that magnetic shifts affect continental drift or volcanic activity. My question was really about the flood itself - how did it spread, how long did it last, how deep was it? etc.
  3. Is this something that happens a lot? And you want to know about pain? Worrying.
  4. I like Stargate, but I thought the Matrix was a bit overhyped. I'll read all that when I'm not at work.
  5. Sayonara


    I'd like to know what happened during the great flood. Is the biblical description accurate (except for the God bit of course, if you prefer it to be aliens) with reference to the events and details?
  6. "Patience, A minor form of dispair, disguised as a virtue" - Ambrose Bierce
  8. I'm a sucker for big foreheads. :slaphead:
  9. There's a chatroom? Something tells me Adam doesn't want to stay in pseudoscience. Probably because of all the gnawed bones in there
  10. Have you by any chance seen the interview with the mad woman who is in charge of looking after these penguins? It's no wonder they act crazy with her as their mommy.
  11. Sayonara


  12. Don't sweat it. They're racing India to the moon for the next 50 years.
  13. That's fast. Does it travel through the ether? :jk: I'm curious about the race for Mars. We'd really like to know what's there (or was there), but what's the rush? It'll still be there by the time we can build probes with a 2 day transit period. [disclaimer - tired and academically exhausted]
  14. Long-term thinking. I like it.
  15. I know this is an outlandish suggestion, but you could also take the middle road and do your damndest to ensure that nobody has a reason to rebel.
  16. Sayonara

    The Ether

    Adam old chap, aren't you going to reply to my analysis?
  17. Come on now faf, we wouldn't be where we are now without history. :slaphead:
  18. Soulja, have you ever read an objective biography of Machiavelli?
  19. For once I didn't have anything in the house! Then I remembered I had some Lemsip Extra which are packed with paracetamol. \o/ Hurrah!
  20. Uh.... the main story in the Star Wars series is that Coruscant could not sustain itself, because you can't please everyone and you can't protect people from themselves. The same basic premise kicks off the Foundation series of books. You'd better make sure you have a whole lot of brainwashing centers! I'll post my ideas tomorrow, as it's late and I have a headache thing going on
  21. If someone is afraid of being rejected by a member of the opposite sex, I really can't see them leaping into bed with the first homosexual they come across. It sounds like you're saying that being gay is an easy way out for people who can't get up the nerve to ask out a girl. If this is so I can only conclude you have absolutely no clue about gay culture. Someone who's insecure about themselves and intimidated by other people is hardly going to suddenly and spontaeneously "go gay" to make things easier. It's not something you change at your own convenience, and it certainly isn't going to solve any problems, believe me. People don't just "turn bi", they gradually overcome their irrational fear of being "found out".
  22. 'Twas in the news section. I remember it well because I posted it. Has there been any follow-up on that yet?
  23. Sayonara

    Metabolic Heat

    That's because in physics the teachers know that if they show the class what all the units are, some bright spark will figure out they're being taught lies in preparation for college/Uni.
  24. Sayonara

    The Ether

    [edit] This post was redundant. For some reason I didn't have permission to delete it. fafalone, I broke the internet. [/edit]
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