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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. HIV is a serious threat to present and future generations, as you will know if you follow the news and science papers. It would be interesting if we could maintain a 'Think Tank' to collate current approaches to fighting the virus, and to process the plausability of conjectural treatment. It has occurred to me recently that where there has been much research into the prevention of T4 - HIV interactions through inhibitors etc, there does not seem to be any research that exploits the virus' affinity for this structure. So, some questions: Red blood cells have a far greater volume than T4-lymphocytes, no nucleus, and are more numerous by a long way. Would blood oxygen carriage suffer if they expressed T4 receptors on their membranes, and carried a payload of inert viral genetic material? If 'yes' - how severe would the effects be? If 'no' - then... Is it possible to apply gene therapy to stimulate expression of T4 on the surface of erythrocytes? If 'no' - Oh well. If 'yes' - would HIV be completely 'mopped up', or would it persist in low-medium yields? Discuss, expand and find linkage!
  2. I didn't ask for your opinon, or a vague explanation without sources - I asked how specifically you'd go about actually programming AI in 'mentalese'. You said you do it - let's hear how.
  3. The asteroid that supposedly killed the dinosaurs did not actually hit the earth - it passed within a few meters of the surface and was pulled around the earth in a gravity slingshot type motion. On its way the null-G field created by the lack of spin between the asteroid and the earth pulled the dinosaurs off the planet and they were carried off into space with it. The asteroid finally landed on Nibiru - the 10th planet, where the Dinosaurs and the Ancients have enjoyed a long and fruitful joint exisitence, frolicking and gambolling through the long cold nights. In 2003 Nibiru will swing by Earth, and the dinosaurs will return by space taxi at the point where the planets are closest and the fare cheapest. The calculations for this are written on my forehead so I don't forget them.
  4. You strike me as being a hobbyist rather than a scientist, Zarkov. Although your theories are interesting it seems a bit pointless to argue for them using science that flatly contradicts them.
  5. Can you give me an example of how one would program a function in 'mentalese'?
  6. The hill didn't rise from the sea - the shells and sea weed were dropped in super petroleum rain which came from the ocean. The stone just happened to roll over them becasue the oil made the rain slippy.
  7. if it is the right way of thinking the sqiud then the future will not forget it becuase tha data speaks for itself even though it is not here becuase the dog stoll it. *dribble* who is Newton Law? do yuo have his email address? ANCIENT PHILOSOPHICAL TRUTHS BABY!
  8. :) :) wow RE it's like you know this theory so well and we must all enbiggen our knowledge of the ginat sqiuds so that we cna make more lines and the lines will be big. :) I am a mentalist. :) :)
  9. The giant squid were originally fresh-water amphibians, so only minor pyramids were needed to supply enough water to keep them cool while they built the lines. Giant squid did not take to living in the seas until they were driven there by the Atlanteans, who wanted a cheap labour pool.
  10. Thought I'd give this pseudoscience thingy a try. "Based on a complete lack of evidence to the contrary, I believe that the Nasca lines were built by giant squid for no apparent reason, and that the current proliferation of squid in our seas is incontravertible PROOF that they are coming back to do more of whatever it was they did. I have calculations but they're in mindSpeak__™ And the dog stole my research notes. But I know the reason I can't be wrong, so don't worry about that."
  11. Zarkov, are you trying to argue for the existance of Gaia?
  12. You keep saying 'AI'. I am not going to assume it means what I think it means, because you are a self-confessed mentalist. Please define.
  13. I understand. I meant "having seen the results of previous, similar enquiries, do you think you'll be satisfied with the result of this one". Ironically that post seemed to provoke the response you wanted...
  14. Anyone who tells you life can't be predicted, it's too random, blah blah blah, is an idiot. Physics and stamp collecting? What? The factual thingy was Zarkov stating there is no such thing as 'pulling', but he's now sort of apologised for stating a fact in this thread so that's ok.
  15. Quiet you. You aren't allowed to make factual statements.
  16. I don't refer to statistics. Statistics were invented and back-dated in a global conspiracy to give the graph wizard in MS Excel a function.
  17. http://www.monkeymissile.com/sayonara/start.asp
  18. I don't see how clouds (which are water) can fail to hold rain (which is water). I would dispute the fact that the earth is drying out most vehemently. The entire region in which I live was covered by a storm cloud dozens of miles across today - it still has not finished raining. Moments after leaving work I was enveloped by a near-liquid atmosphere as the heavens opened and I was drenched to the skin within seconds. Oddly enough it was very hot. Strange, these drought thingies.
  19. ...and... Direct contradiction. Please explain why. You have said that the drought is caused by a lack of water evaporation - why does this lead to a warming phase? I do not see the link. Normally you would explain a warming phase to lead to drought - and this would be in specific climates, not globally. Rethink that. Both sentences cannot be true, and the first does not make sense. You might say it's been your life's work.
  20. The research will be very difficult to conclude, I imagine (try getting cosmic rays in a centrifuge). But looking at the article CRs probably do play a significant role in Ice Age cycles. However, what I meant to say with the lung cancer analogy is that there are almost certainly other factors involved. Also, I would suggest that the particulars of the distribution of water on a planet would have a distinct effect on the way in which an Ice Age progressed. IF petroleum were preventing water evaporation and thereby modifying the water cycle, even by the most minute degree, would the interaction of CRs with the planet's hydrosphere not be altered in turn? Zarkov's idea is intriguing but, and alas, beleagured by his already well-catalogued shortcomings. I still think he could do with attaching diagrams to his initial posts...
  21. I could post an article that explains in minute detail how smoking causes lung cancer. This does not exclude any other factors from causing lung cancer. (Although TBH I think the whole "Oceans trapped by oil microfilm" idea is yet more speculation based on 'what if' extrapolative thought processes.) Do you like my new sig? I think it's rather fetching.
  22. I very much doubt your dog could give any more of a critique than could a breezeblock. Mrl's track record is not only superior to those of most people I know either on or offline, but it has also been tried and tested time and time again. Although I'm not sure about his opinions on 'biological nonsense'. Perhaps nobody ever got around to telling him that biology is all maths.
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