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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. :offtopic: Naughty Admin. Not drop of petroleum in that whole article. Interesting though.
  2. Does rating work? [edit] Ah yes, i see it does [/edit]
  3. :bravo: This should be fun.
  4. I think our Zark spells it with the 'h'. Zarkov - you really don't want to meet Mrl on a bad day... :toilet:
  5. You've probably posted this before on PA GD, but how do you explain it? Even though it's considered something we 'know', I've heard some interesting stories about this particular force. (And why isn't Mrl here?)
  6. There are 56 members here - surely more than 7 people have an opinion on this? :feedback:
  7. They'll be hotter.
  8. They'll be hotter.
  9. You mean vBulletin actually upgraded this thing?
  10. Shooting has stopped on T3: Rise of the Machines, because their "most expensive car chase ever filmed" sequence broke their budget. That explains why aman is here and not on set. Incidentally, Matrix Reloaded is also claimed to feature the "most expensive car chase ever filmed". I can't help but feel that the Matrix crew are putting this claim forward because it is similar to one of the anticipated sequences of Star Trek: Nemesis. However where they fall down is that Nemesis features an original and imaginitive chase sequence. Which will be fun. Anyway, this isn't at all relevant so far... Yes, the smilies could be changed simply by altering the .gif files (or replacing them altogether). You could add new smilies but some editing of the PHP source code would be required. If anyone is thinking of making new smilies could they please let me know? I am looking for a stylish and original set for one of my sites. I'd do them myself but the scripts are taking up all of my time. TY
  11. Yes it does. There aren't a lot of non-celluloid proteins that are stable at that temperature. It's still a valid idea though, the whole distilation thing, because the pure water vapour could be recondensed - the inside of a cone (or pyramid, which is easier to build) made of stone is ideal for condensing liquid. Additionally, not only would micro-organisms be left in the storage/heating wells, but so would heavy metals and other impurities. Ummmm... boiling water in the air. Nice. Sure you don't mean 100f?
  12. That would be a long way to go to fill your balloons. Where is helium found on earth? Does it have to be 'refined', so to speak?
  13. He wanted to know why we can see the galaxy but not the planet.
  14. Hi Trivial. Question: If it were possible to force the chipped state of the tile back into quantum storage, would this in effect be a change imposed on the future 'record' that the tile was chipped?
  15. Significantly less than one, in fact. But everyone else already answered the question.
  16. Perhaps they only work if there's a dead guy and lots of cash in them. Egyptian ever-readies. Just a thought
  17. Thanks for that thoughtful post, Radical - I have to say I agree. In the UK education system I have noticed time and again that while the actual knowledge is taught, there is rarely any explanation as to why the student needs to know it. There's also a lack of curiosity that borders on the apathetic. During my college education I was the only person in the higher chemistry set who wanted to know why ice expands if solids are a contractd form of their liquids. I honestly don't think that question even occurred to anyone else.
  18. I noticed this forum was empty earlier while I was checking the front page for new posts, and for some reason the phrase "thanks for the heads up" popped into my head. How freaky is that?
  19. Thanks for the references Epsilon. I'll have a look at those tomorrow when I am less drunk/tired.
  20. Hint hint.
  21. Having watched people slag Zark off across various forums, I can no longer stand by and watch without speaking up. This is a guy who thinks about things. He might not provide proofs, or formulae, or pretty diagrams, but personally I enjoy reading his posts. He's like a dinner guest who arrives with almost the whole meal - plenty of food for thought in his threads, even if it's not what we had in mind for the main course. To those people who keep trying to out manouver him, or make him feel small, or attempt to kerb his ideas by applying to them principles that are equally uncertain, I would like to say this: If you don't like it, don't read it. You don't have to complain - complaining is a choice you make, and it says more about you than it does about Zarkov. If you really can't stand his thoughts, then make yourself familiar with the 'Ignore' list and stop being such dreadful kill-joys. Sorry if I offended anyone, but I hate to see a creative mind being treated with such intolerance. 'Scientific method' is a dreadfully abused term on the web - personally I'd much rather see an environment where new ideas can be approached in a more constructive and nurturing fashion. I can't quite believe I posted that. Sayo.
  22. Because of our semi-voluntary education system in the West, and the cost of a relatively good education, it is my great concern that the majority of the population are not equipped with enough basic scientific knowledge with which to protect themselves from the challenges of modern life. For instance, I recently witnessed two Saint John's Ambulance workers mutilate a customer's hand in a night club by running fast-flowing, freezing cold water over the burn he had sustained. When I explained to them that the temperature of the water was causing a gradient that resulted in secondary burning, and that the force of the water was tearing the guy's skin, they both looked at me as if I was mad. Somehow I got the impression that my degree in biology would not be considered comparable to their 2-day first aid training courses (or whatever they have to do). I'm constantly amazed at the level of general ignorance displayed by people from all walks of life, and at all levels of employ. People who can't get their heads around logging in to an operating system (I know a lot of people who call it "when I first go in", and constantly call IT support to help them log in even though they have written down their passwords and put the sheet on their copy-holder, next to the monitor). People who don't understand that alcohol denatures proteins, and therefore makes you more likely to bleed to death in a car-crash. People who don't understand the relatively simple concept of density, ffs. Perhaps I'm just living in a mentally deprived area. Or perhaps we are living in the age of celebritised ignorance. What do you guys think?
  23. Despite a lengthy and intensive period in the education system, I am one of many thousands of people who was never introduced to Mr Calculus. If someone could make a "Calculus for Dummies" style thread, it would be most appreciated. I'd be very interested in learning about the method and application of this theory.
  24. You know that photo of the hand in colours that look like an infra-red image during the opening credits of X-Files? That's a Kirlien photo. They are supposed to show aggregations of auric power in the human body. Here is more info.
  25. There was a similar experiment involving plants under stress conditions (having their leaves burned, etc). Nearby plants were shown to exhibit symptomatic responses to the stimulus even though it was not applied to them. Not sure about the scientific credibility of this experiment, but it seems quite similar in the microconscience aspect. Perhaps morphic resonance is inherent to all life (where 'life' == the currently accepted definition )
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