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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. They disappeared a couple of days ago while you were still drunk.
  2. I point to the rational square root of post #2.
  3. This thread is getting dull and lockable. Please be much more entertaining and, well... better.
  4. Closed because it is a waste of everyone's time. Absolute1: improve dramatically pls kthnks.
  5. Are you disrespecting my philosophy?
  6. Jupiter being eaten by a pink space tiger wearing flippers and a bonnet.
  7. FYI, The Sun is a newspaper which anyone with the native capacity for balanced thought would not even think to use as toilet paper. Just so you know.
  8. I don't know about you Phi, but I find that the people who research ebola immunity and cancer cures and fossil fuel alternatives are basically just in it for the laughs. The crazy radicals!
  9. Why are you posting homework questions on my profile?

  10. We don't know that they haven't. If time travel to the past is possible, you might want to reduce the visibility of your presence for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it's conceivable that you might mess up a timeline (not necessarily your own, but you might consider preserving alternate histories to be just as important). Secondly, there is every chance that a traveller to our time would be highly sought after by government agencies desperate to "interview" them about technological advances, economic and political forecasts, and territorial/military intelligence. There are probably other reasons that wouldn't even occur to us stick-in-the-mud unitimelineans.
  11. As you'll have gathered from the above answers, the way to address questions like this is to turn them around. In this case, your question becomes "what is it about atoms that makes them reactive?" You might not already know why that is, but it makes it easier to research the answer!
  12. I am having similar problems. I suspect that something like zlib or mcache is misfiring on the server, but it could be any of a number of things. Possibly it is a server caching problem.
  13. Don't know if it is just me, but some images and javascripts have been hanging for the past day. The pages just keep loading and loading and loading, but never complete.
  14. We will help, but we are not going to do your homework for you. Identify the parts of the question which you do not understand how to address, and then we can explain the principles you are missing.
  15. Don't know if this is due to the move or not, but I am trying to upload a Movable Type flat file from my old blog into Wordpress using the "import tool", and getting the helpful error message "there was a problem uploading the file". Considering how long it takes to return that message, i suspect it is uploading the file then falling foul of directory permissions when it tries to write it.
  16. If you are going to ignore physical law in your idea, then you can pretty much make up whatever happens next. Why not use a wormhole or some kind of warp travel to put yourself "ahead" of the light? Such means of travel are conjectural and we don't really know how (if) it would work, but it's better than saying "Step 1: do something impossible".
  17. That missing 17 minutes was nothing to do with the servers though; it was all down to spin gravity.
  18. I have a strange habit of retaining metadata for longer than the hardcore information. Like, I might forget the exact phrasing of some lines in a film, but I will remember the precise inflection given to each word by the actor, the camera angles, and the musical score playing at the time HOW USELESS IS THAT?
  19. Also they should brutally murder anyone with an alternative hypothesis, just to be sure.
  20. The key words there being "correlation", and "may", as opposed to "causally represented" and "does". The conclusion draws the same inference that you draw. Supporting that inference with studies which agree with it is not the same as turning it into a fact.
  21. I am not sure we are on the same wavelength there...
  22. I think that if you had slits with sufficiently sharp edges, you would see quite an unmistakeable diffraction pattern.
  23. And the problem with YOUR argument is that you assume that removing the guns removes the death toll, which is a bit of a leap. You need to recognise the difference between drawing a sensible inference (which is what you are doing, and I have to say understandably so given the information we are presented with), and arriving at a solid factual conclusion.
  24. Actually it was partly getting in there before anyone else did, and partly trying to lighten up the thread a bit. Everyone seems to be gunning for each other, if you'll pardon the pun.
  25. Hah, sucks to be you guys. We're all filling up buckets and pans with cheap midnight electricity over here.
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