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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. The OP is proposing that if we go to a planet with double Earth's gravity for a while, then come back, we would be able to fly on Earth. I propose that he (or his friend) does not understand the idea of mass.
  2. Bear in mind that when someone is eaten or mortally wounded by a shark, it is not necessarily very likely that anyone will ever know that is what happened to them. Take under-reporting into account; there are probably good figures available for this.
  3. Just by being. It's when objects claim to be zero dimensional that you want to start thinking about writing in with a complaint.
  4. We will not assist you (or others who might read this thread) in bypassing administrative security measures.
  5. Most people use the "new posts" link when they revisit SFN, so if you add posts to one of your existing threads you can be sure that the people who have been following it will check back, and the people who have not read it yet will see it in their list. The problem with scattering the same topic across several threads is that you increase the chances of interested parties missing one of the threads. Quel horreur!
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7205059.stm http://support.microsoft.com/kb/935796 This comes in the same week that Microsoft say they are opening up key code areas to developers. Ha.
  7. How illuminating. Dazzling even. I hope you are not trying to blind us with science!
  8. The flaws in the software, if any exist, owe nothing to evolutionary theory, so there is no reason why this thread should be in the Evolution section.
  9. Spybot Search and Destroy? Open the file called "hosts" (there is no extension) in notepad. You can find it in this directory: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc If there is an entry in there which looks like it refers to https, we may be on to a winner.
  10. That complete lack of https services could in theory be due to a program adding a deliberately malformed line for https into the hosts file, to try and force the user to downgrade to http login pages for otherwise secure services. Only idiots like Yahoo still provide http alternatives to secure logins, but imagine the damage you could do with someone's email account.
  11. Can we take it for granted that you have done full virus and malware sweeps with up-to-date software?
  12. These are not "essential questions required to prove the theory of evolution", they are questions which will allow us to more fully understand certain evolutionary processes. As you most likely well know, the evolutionary sciences are vastly broader than just the area you have touched on. What you seem to be questioning is natural selection alone (albeit from a genetic angle, which in itself is laudable). There are few on this site who would be convinced that finding problems with that mechanism is any reason to write off all of evolutionary science. Mainly because it is not the case that all areas of the science are fully interdependent, but also because newly identified problems are simply something else to investigate, which is hardly a bump in the road for scientific progress. Before anyone has a crack at answering your questions, I suggest that you plainly and honestly state your agenda. You clearly have one; getting it out in the open now will probably be a good idea. Be mindful that at present we do not allow religious discussion on this site, nor do we allow creationist or intelligent design agenda-pushing. But we are of course delighted to discuss biology! For Q1, I was rather under the impression that we had a good idea of what the first replicators were like. IIRC there are people here better qualified to answer that particular question though. Should Q2 read "adventitious", or "advantageous"? It is my opinion that Q3 is fatally flawed. Like most questions which rely on irreducible complexity as a limiter, it ignores functional mobility.
  13. Can I just point out to any other well-wishers that this round of the SFN User Awards took place in June 2007.
  14. If you mean "...don't let the bed bugs bite", those critters are where it comes from.
  15. One kilo is 2.2 pounds Kaytie. (This site is great for converting units: http://www.onlineconversion.com/) Please understand that we don't think that your father is mean, it's just that from our point of view your parents might not be making the best choices for you. But then we don't know your family situation, so it's not really our place to say... we will just try to give you the best answers we can.
  16. She is not obese, falcon9393. Please don't attempt to give advice that has medical implications without knowing anything about the recipient's requirements.
  17. Yes, it is one of the rules which you agreed to abide by when you first signed up
  18. Bed bugs are real: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bedbug
  19. No, it's an urban legend (how would you even collect that data?)
  20. Is there any particular reason why something should not exist in one dimension?
  21. It does work, because the sort by part of the query is processed before the limit. IOW, it orders all the search results in the set before it selects and returns the first 1,000 of that set.
  22. I find this quite disturbing. Is it important to YOU to "look thin"? Before you start any diet that might hinder your normal development, I would urge to to consider whether fulfilling your parents' ambitions for you is really more important than your health. It is possible to have the best of both worlds, but I would imagine very difficult to manage successfully, especially if you cannot normally buy and prepare your own food for every meal. In your place I would be thinking about asking your parents if they have considered the long term effects of a very strict diet - both medical and psychological - on a child who is entering a major developmental stage.
  23. The word lysis refers to the actual breaking of the cell wall and/or membrane, rather than any expansion that could cause it. I am not sure it can have an "opposite".
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