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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I hope he DOES get elected, and I hope he DOES invade Pakistan. It will be the shortest presidency in the history of the USA, and the most widely televised people's coup slash public execution. Excellent entertainment. Hope it all goes down on a Saturday evening.
  2. "Forbid" in what sense? Homosexual males are not sterile, and I don't see how a homosexual male fathering a child and a heterosexual male fathering a child are different ways of creating biological offspring. They seem very much the same. Similarly, I don't see where impregnation or pregnancy in heterosexual and homosexual females is going to be different. There might be a different spread of insemination methods, but that is only influenced by sexuality - it is NOT determined by it. The things that are different are the personal experiences that the individuals undergo during the act itself, and (probably) the domestic and legal situations afterwards. Those have nothing to do with biological limitations. You can of course make the argument that two gay males or two gay females cannot reproduce as a couple without assistance, but again this is not determined by sexuality. It is determined by gender: two straight males or two straight females cannot reproduce either. Nowhere else in biology do we limit the description of populations by what a specified combination of two individuals 'cannot do'. I am surprised that you would make that statement. It only holds true under conditions that are artificially applied, and implies a universal 'cost' for homosexuality.
  3. It warms my cockles to find that - despite my actual words - you still knew what I meant. That is, in fact, the heart of the matter.
  4. With all those technological systems laying about the place, a world like Coruscant would fall just as quickly as any other. One atmospheric detonation of a nanoprobe bomb, and job done. I don't really know what you mean by "stiff resistance". When did you last see a Republic Guard or Imperial Stormtrooper remodulating the shields, randomising the frequency of their blaster, or using technobabble as a weapon? The Empire does have a massive starfleet, that much is true. But the Borg would only have to encounter one Star Destroyer on a single occasion, and they would adapt their shielding after receiving a few shots (and a few turbolasers hits are not going to do much damage to one cubic mile of self-regenerating ship, seeing as it took dozens of direct hits just to slow down a Corellian Corvette). After that any Imperial ship encountering the Borg would be toast. Not all of them. On BSG for instance the weapon systems are physical slugs and explosives derived from extant technology, and the defence systems are entirely credible flak barriers.
  5. You have to take into account that we only archived the reasonable threads. All the **** that made us close the forum in the first place is sealed in a concrete bunker two miles beneath the surface of the planet.
  6. Obama is funny. Funny Mr Obama.
  7. Clicking on your link triggered a VBScript malware/worm alert on my computer, and the connection was aborted. Any particular reason for that?
  8. Getting hold of blueprints is one of the things the Borg do best. The Borg do have significant advantages in terms of adaptive shielding, weapon power and variety, galactic transit time, and regeneration. It would just be a matter of time. Also bear in mind that this species can assimilate whole planets in a matter of hours with just a single ship. I think the idea is that the laser punctures the core, which does the rest. Mind you, very little of the technology in Star Wars is based on anything remotely credible, and the superlaser is firmly in the "what?" category. Check out the power requirements article on Wikipedia; it is quite entertaining.
  9. Well millions is probably an exaggeration. But we know they have A LOT. That's a little moot though, since any one ship could immediately drop out of a transwarp conduit and blow the frak out of the Death Star's primary weapon before anyone had a chance to press a button.
  10. I like that here on SFN we routinely put this god back in his box.
  11. The Fermi Paradox and its derivative arguments are basically arguments from incredulity. Although we have discussed the "many races yet no visitors" issue at great length with some very good arguments, some people simply won't accept the loss of such a reputable safety blanket.
  12. You do know the Borg have millions of ships, right?
  13. Oh noes! A post on a public forum! All is lost.
  14. Against the Borg and the Shadows I am not sure that the Alliance or the Empire have anything to show off with.
  15. Good luck with that.
  16. I concur with the other threaders. I think you are confusing "literature" with "great works of literature", unfortunately.
  17. The O/P has been dealt with and this current discussion is a waste of our time. DZane; investigate Special Relativity. Your answer is in there.
  18. We do not appreciate cross-posted threads Irene.
  19. Isn't that basically the same as being a theist? Argh you have blurred the line.
  20. We've done this one. http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=26807
  21. Or... only people who are interested in actually answering the OP post replies. That works too. I don't see any compelling reason to close it and I am pretty sure Elessarina's choice would be to invite further discussion of her original question.
  22. If the experimental evidence agrees with you, then what's the problem?
  23. I want to see an episode where the Energizer bunny runs into dark matter.
  24. Yes, they have. Absolutely EVERY question in this thread has been extensively discussed before on the forums, in various threads. To the search tool with you! (Closed because it will just turn into pages and pages of rubbish, with a handful of posts that have any merit, and we already have a dozen threads like that.)
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