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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Errr... if we visit, then yes. We could find life there.
  2. Yes, the random plot device shortcomings of replicator technology often involve biological materials. Even though a transporter is - gasp - a big replicator.
  3. Sayonara


    It's made with one sheet of metal. They are a resourceful people.
  4. Sayonara


    For this bit, think about gravity as being acceleration towards the earth. Things would not necessarily occur in "slow motion", but movements might behave differently because of the different accelerations involved. Your bullet is unlikely to change velocity to any appreciable degree, but it will be more accurate over short distances (because it is not "dropping" towards the ground) and wildly inaccurate over long distances (as in, flying away from the planet).
  5. Sayonara


    I think if there was no gravity, "breathing" and "staying on the surface of the planet" would take priority over sports and picking up trucks for most people.
  6. A preferred medium of high value currency promulgated by the Ferengi. Again, for nebulous reasons which may or may not have had something to do with their economic exchange and pseudo-piratical leanings.
  7. That's the sort of thing that should be in the permanent IRC sticky, I reckon.
  8. Are we still on blackCobalt?
  9. Yes, I am using the VB default style, because I prefer it. Different stylesheets should not provide different content - in the words of Captain Delladier, "...someone made a mistake. Someone made a goddamned big mistake!" boooooom! CRASHHH! "Roger Young is going down, I repeat; Roger Young is going down..." (slap) "Abandon ship damn it, no time, abandon ship - that's an order! Get to the rescue deck!"
  10. Am I blind, or are you a filthy liar?
  11. Yes, but he was always boasting to the bitches and none of it made any sense. This could conceivably have been some sort of re-crediting system operated by Starfleet, whereby officers pay in tokens which Quark then redeems against the bar's energy demands on the station. ...and then went running back to it in Voyager. Mind you, Bragga and Berman seemed to be confused about a great deal of things, the fools.
  12. Context selection Dave! Expect a username change request from "ConfusedKid" to "BewilderedKid" any hour now"
  13. Doctor Who was not running at the time the poll was written.. bit late to add it now almost everyone in the 'Verse has voted There is a US version of Red Dwarf... I have not seen it but I would imagine the sense of humour is a bit different.
  14. If you want to replicate gold, you still need a significant energy source. This might not be available to everyone, and commodities like gold would remain a useful medium for exchanging value. It certainly looks like it would be easier to pay We know from TNG that replicators cannot produce everything exactly (which is a plot device limiter and never had a good scientific explanation), so perhaps replicated gold has a signature that traders can detect with simple scanners. According to Picard in First Contact, Starfleet personnel do not get "paid" and ships do not cost money (because the Federation does not use it). Presumably the return on being a Starfleet officer is that (a) you get to do something you really want to do, and (b) you pretty much can have what you like, thanks to replication and being able to travel the galaxy. As for ships, I would assume a combination of replication, having thousands of planets and asteroids in your territory with the required materials, and equal outside trade, all feeding a system manned by people who really really like designing and building ships. And don't forget the all-important robots! The only examples I can think of come from Voyager - we frequently saw crew members bartering or negotiating for supplies and technology they needed. There were one or two instances where we see Janeway fumbling with alien currency, so presumably she acquired this by trading something that was of greater value to an alien buyer than it was to her.
  15. Or, if you don't like maths, you can simply take a leaf out of Archimedes' book and measure how much water the two objects displace. http://www.juliantrubin.com/bigten/archimedesprinciple.html Eureka!
  16. I don't like that picture; I look good as usual but he looks like a right girl.
  17. It's not always a simple case of "this needs intelligence, boooom, there we go". In life, for example, the move from non-intelligent to intelligent systems is rooted in a slow increase in the complexity of input-process-output feedback loops, and the way that they interact. I doubt there is any single definable threshold for the simplest intelligence requirements, because it would never be uniformly applicable to everything. Different species face different pressures, just like different mechanical or electronic systems have a different requirements specification.
  18. I suspect the "filling in background that wasn't there before" bit is why they are proud of the service. And in answer to the how question, it is either a complex sampling and extrapolation algorithm, or it's done by hand (much more likely imho).
  19. Sayonara

    Member Survey

    Thread moved to GD.
  20. You should all have known it was an April Fool because clearly I am marrying Blike.
  21. We don't. But chimps lack the technology to make it happen. They do however have about the same capacity to manage planets as we seem to have, so maybe there is hope for them.
  22. People, there is no Sarah, it was an April Fool.
  23. This is not a paradox but another instance where the reasoning is tracking the wrong commodity. You might as well ask "Einstein proposed relativity but where did the information come from?" and leave time travel out of it all together.
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